Весьма заманчиво также изучить
диапазон и виды изменений, происходящих с системой
конструктов с течением времени. Это дало бы возмож-
ность разработать более чувствительные индексы изме-
нений, чем те, которые используются при проведении
единственного повторного тестирования через год после
В заключение хочу сказать следующее. Я думала,
что мне удалось сделать данное исследование подлинно
рефлексивным, так как в число обследуемых наряду с
пациентами были включены и психотерапевты. Потом я
поняла, что забыла включить в это число себя. Неуже-
ли подлинная рефлексивность-недостижимый мираж?
1. Adams-Webber, J. (1969). Cognitive complexity nnd sociality.
British Journal of social and clinical Psycilology 8, 211-216.
2. Aclams-Webbcr, .Т. (1970a). An aniilysis of the iliscriniinant validity
of several repertory grid indices. British Journal of Psychology 61, 83-90.
3. Adams-Wcbber, J. (1970b). Elicited versus provided constructs in
repertory grid technique: a review. British Journal of medical Psychology
43, 349-354.
4. Adams-Webber, J., Schwenkci, B. and Barbeau, D. (1972). Perso-
nal constructs and the perception of individual differences. Canadian
Journal of Behavioural Science, 4, 218-224.
5. Agnew, J. and Bannister, D. (1973). Psychiatric diagnosis as a
pseudo specialist language. British Journal of medical Psychology 46, 69.
6. Allisop, В, (1972). The development of personal construct systems.
Unpublished manuscript, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland,
7. Applebee, A.N. (1975). Developmental changes in consensus in
construing within a specified domain. Britisil Journal of Psychology 66, 4
8. Applebee, A. N. (1976). The development of childrens responses
to repertory grids. British Journal of social and clinical Psychology 15,
9. Arthur, A.Z. (1966). Response bias in the semantic differential.
British Journal of social and clinical Psychology, 5, 103-107.
10. Baillie-Grohman, R. (1975). The use of a modified form of
repertory grid technique to investigate the extent to which deaf school
leavers tend to use stereotypes. Unpublished M.Sc. dissertation, Universi-
ty of London.
II, Bannister, D. (1959). An application of personal construct theory
(Kelly) to schi/.oid thinking, Unpublished PhD. thesis. University of
12. Bannister, D. (1960). Conceptual structure in thought disordered
schizophrenics. Journal of Menial Science 106, 1230-1249.
13. Bannister, U. (1962a). The nature and measurement of schizo-
plirenic thought disorder. Journal of Mental Science 108, 825-842.
14. Bannister, 13. (1962). Personal construct theory: a summary and
experimental paradigm. Ada Psychologica 20, 104-120.
15. Bannister. D. (1963). The genesis of schizophrcnic thought
disorder: a serial invalidation hypothesis. British Journal of Psychiatry,
109, 680-686.
16. Bannister, D. (1965a). The rationale and clinical relevance of
repertory grid technique. British Journal of Psychiatry III, 977-982.
17. Bannister, D. (1965b). The genesis of schizophrcnic thought
disorder: re-test of the serial invalidation hypothesis. British Journal of
Psychiatry III, 377-382.
18. Bannister, D. and Bott, M. (1974). Evaluating the person. In
"New Approaches to Psychological Medicine" (Ed. P. Kelin), \Viley,
19. Bannister, D. and Fransella, F. (1965). A repertory grid test of
schizophrenic thought disorder. British Journal of social and clinical
Psychology 2, 95-152.
20. Bannister, D. and Fransella, F. (1966). "Grid Test of Thought
DisoriJcr". Psychological Test Publications. Barnstaple.
21. Bunnister, D. and Mair, J.M.M. (1968). In "The Evaluation of
Personal Constructs". Academic Press, London.
22. Bannister, D. and Salmon, P. (1966a). Schizophrenic thought
disorder: specific or diffuse? British Journal of medical Psychology 39,
23. Bannister, D. and Salmon, P. (]966b). A measure of intransitivi-
ty within resistance-to-change grids. Unpublished manuscript.
24. Bannister, D. and Salmon, P. (1967). Measures of superordinacy.
Unpublished manuscript.
25. Bannister, D., Fransella, F. and Agnew, J. (1971). Characteristics
and validity of the grid test of thought disorder. British Journal of social
and clinical Psychology 10, 144-151.
26. Bannister, D., Adams-Webber, J.R., Penn, W.I. and Rad-
ley, A.R. (1975). Reversing the process of thought disorder: a serial
validation experiment. British Journal of social and clinical Psychology
14, 169-180.
27. Barton, E.S., Walton, T. and Rowe, D. (1976). Using grid
technique with the mentally handicapped. In "Explorations of Interperso-
nal Space" (Ed. P. Slater), Vol. 1. Wiley, London.
28. Bateson, G.. Jackson, D., Haley, J. and Weakland, J. (1956).
Towards a theory of schizophrenia. Behavioural Science 4, 251.
29. Bender, M.P. (1969). To smile at or avert the eyes from: the
formation of relationships among students. Research in Education 2,
30. Bender, M.P. (1974). Provided versus elicited constructs: an
explanation of Warr and Coffmans (1970) anomolous finding. British
Journal of social and clinical Psychology 13, 329.
31. Bender, M.P. (1976). Does construing people as similar involve
similar behaviour towards them? A subjective and objective replication.
British Journal of social and clinical Psychology IS, 93-95.
32. Benjafield, J. and Adams-Webber, J.R. (1975). Assirnilative
projection and construct balance in the repertory grid. British Journal of
Psychology 66, 169-173.
33. Bergin, A.E. (1972). The evaluation of therapeutic outcomes. In
"Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change" (Eds. A.E. Bergin
and S.L. Garfield). Academic Press, London, and New York.
34. Bieri, J. (1955). Cognitive complexity-simplicity and predictive
behaviour. Journal of abnormal and social Psychology Si, 263-268.
35. Bieri, J.. Atkins, A.L., Briar, S., Leaman, R.L., Miller, H. and
Tripodi, T. (1966). "Clinical and Social Judgement: the Discrimination of
Behavioural Information". Wiley, New York.
36. Bonarius, J.C.J. (1965). Research in the personal construct theory
of George A. Kelly: role construct repertory test and basic theory. In
"Progress in Experimental Personality Research" (Ed. B.A. Maher),
Vol. 2,2-46, Academic Press, New York and London.
37. Bonarius. J.C.J. (1971). "Personal Construct Psychology and
Extreme Response Style". Swets and Zeitlinger, N. V., Amsterdam.
38. Briciley, D.\V. (1967). The use of personality constructs by
children of three different ages. Unpublished PhD. thesis, University of
39. Brown, R.W. (1958). Is a boulder sweet or sour? Contemporary
Psychology 3, 113-115.
40. Caine, T.M. and Smail, D.J. (1967). Personal relevance and
choice of constructs for the repertory grid technique. British Journal of
Psychiatry 113, 517-520.
41. Caine, T.M. and Smail, D.J. (1969). A study of the reliability and
validity of the repertory grid technique as a measure of the hysteroid/ob-
sessoid component of personality. Britisll Journal of Psychiatry 115,
42. Caplan, H.L., Rhode, P.O., Shapiro, D.A. and Watson, J.P.
(1975). Some correlates of repertory grid measures used to study a
psychotherapeutic group. British Journal of medical Psychology 48,
43. Carlson, R. (1971). Sex differences in ego functioning: explorato-
ry studies of agency and communion. Journal of consulting and clinical
Psychology 37, 267-277.
44. Carr,J.E. (1970). Differentiation similarity of patient and therapist
and the outcome of psychotherapy. Journal of abnormal Psychology 76,
45. Cattell, R.B. (1966). "Handbook of Multivariete Experimental
Psychology". Rand MeNally, Chicago.
46. Coleman, P. G. (1975). Interest in personal activities and degree
of perceived implications between personal constructs. British Journal of
social and clinical Psychology 14, 93-95.
47. Coombs, С. H. (1964). "A Theory of Data", Wiley, New York.
48. Crisp, A. H. (1964). An attempt to measure an aspect of
"Transference". British Journal of medical Psychology 37, 17-30.
49. Crockett, W. H. (1965). "Cognitive Complexity and Impression
Formation in Progress in Experimental Personality Research" (Ed.
B. A. Maher) Vol. 2. Academic Press, New York and London.
50. Cromwell, R. L. and Caldwell, D. F. (1962). A comparison of
ratings based on persona] constructs of self and others. Journal of clinical
Psycilology 18, 43-46.
51. Cronbach, L. J. (1946). Response sets and test validity.
Educational and Psychological Measurement 6, 475-494.
52. Draffan, J.W. (1973). Randomness in grid test scores. Britisll
Journal of medical Psychology 46, 391.
53. Duck, S. W. (1973). Similarity and perceived similarity of
personal constructs as influences on friendship choice. Britisll Journal of
social and clinical Psychology 12, 1-6.
54. Duck, S. and Spencer, C. (1972). Personal constructs and
friendship formation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 28,
55. Epting, F. R. (1972). The stability of cognitive complexity in
construing social issues. British Journal of social and clinical Psychology
II, 122-125.
56. Epting, F. R. (1975). Order of presentation of construct poles.
What are the factors to be considered? A reply. British Journal of social
and clinical Psychology 14, 427-428.
57. Epting, F. R., Suchman, D. 1. and Nickeson, K. J. (1971). An
evaluation of elicitation procedures for personal constructs. British
Journal of Psychology 62, 513-517.
58. Fager, R. E. (1962). Program for the analysis of repertory grids
on the 1620 IBM computer. Unpublished manuscript, Syracuse Universi-
59. Feidman, M. M. (1975). The body image and object relations:
exploration of a method utilizing repertory grid techniques. Britisll Journal
of Medical Psychology 48, 317-332. ,
60. Fielding, J. M. (1975). A technique for measuring outcome in
group psychotherapy, British Journal of medical Psychology 48, 189-
61. Field, S. P. and Landfield, A. W. (1961). Personal construct
theory consistency. Psychological Reports 8, 127-129.
62. Foulds, G. A., Hope, K., MePherson, F. M. and Mayo, P. R.
(1967). Cognitive disorder among the schizophrenias. In: The validity of
some tests of thought process disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry 113,
63. Fransella, F. (1965). The effects of imposed rhythm and certain
aspects of personality on the speech of stu.terers. Unpublished PhD.
thesis, University of London.
64. Fransella. F. (1969). The stutterer as subject or object? In
"Stuttering and the Conditioning Theraphies". (Eds. B. B. Gray and
G. England). Monterey Institute for Speech and Hearing, California.
65. Fransella, F. (1970). ... and then there was one. In "Perspectives
in Personal Construct Theory" (Ed. D. Bannistcr). Academic Press,
London and New York.
66. Fransella, F. (1972). "Personal Change and Reconstruction:
Research on a Treatment of Stuttering". Academic Press, London and
New York.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
диапазон и виды изменений, происходящих с системой
конструктов с течением времени. Это дало бы возмож-
ность разработать более чувствительные индексы изме-
нений, чем те, которые используются при проведении
единственного повторного тестирования через год после
В заключение хочу сказать следующее. Я думала,
что мне удалось сделать данное исследование подлинно
рефлексивным, так как в число обследуемых наряду с
пациентами были включены и психотерапевты. Потом я
поняла, что забыла включить в это число себя. Неуже-
ли подлинная рефлексивность-недостижимый мираж?
1. Adams-Webber, J. (1969). Cognitive complexity nnd sociality.
British Journal of social and clinical Psycilology 8, 211-216.
2. Aclams-Webbcr, .Т. (1970a). An aniilysis of the iliscriniinant validity
of several repertory grid indices. British Journal of Psychology 61, 83-90.
3. Adams-Wcbber, J. (1970b). Elicited versus provided constructs in
repertory grid technique: a review. British Journal of medical Psychology
43, 349-354.
4. Adams-Webber, J., Schwenkci, B. and Barbeau, D. (1972). Perso-
nal constructs and the perception of individual differences. Canadian
Journal of Behavioural Science, 4, 218-224.
5. Agnew, J. and Bannister, D. (1973). Psychiatric diagnosis as a
pseudo specialist language. British Journal of medical Psychology 46, 69.
6. Allisop, В, (1972). The development of personal construct systems.
Unpublished manuscript, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland,
7. Applebee, A.N. (1975). Developmental changes in consensus in
construing within a specified domain. Britisil Journal of Psychology 66, 4
8. Applebee, A. N. (1976). The development of childrens responses
to repertory grids. British Journal of social and clinical Psychology 15,
9. Arthur, A.Z. (1966). Response bias in the semantic differential.
British Journal of social and clinical Psychology, 5, 103-107.
10. Baillie-Grohman, R. (1975). The use of a modified form of
repertory grid technique to investigate the extent to which deaf school
leavers tend to use stereotypes. Unpublished M.Sc. dissertation, Universi-
ty of London.
II, Bannister, D. (1959). An application of personal construct theory
(Kelly) to schi/.oid thinking, Unpublished PhD. thesis. University of
12. Bannister, D. (1960). Conceptual structure in thought disordered
schizophrenics. Journal of Menial Science 106, 1230-1249.
13. Bannister, U. (1962a). The nature and measurement of schizo-
plirenic thought disorder. Journal of Mental Science 108, 825-842.
14. Bannister, 13. (1962). Personal construct theory: a summary and
experimental paradigm. Ada Psychologica 20, 104-120.
15. Bannister. D. (1963). The genesis of schizophrcnic thought
disorder: a serial invalidation hypothesis. British Journal of Psychiatry,
109, 680-686.
16. Bannister, D. (1965a). The rationale and clinical relevance of
repertory grid technique. British Journal of Psychiatry III, 977-982.
17. Bannister, D. (1965b). The genesis of schizophrcnic thought
disorder: re-test of the serial invalidation hypothesis. British Journal of
Psychiatry III, 377-382.
18. Bannister, D. and Bott, M. (1974). Evaluating the person. In
"New Approaches to Psychological Medicine" (Ed. P. Kelin), \Viley,
19. Bannister, D. and Fransella, F. (1965). A repertory grid test of
schizophrenic thought disorder. British Journal of social and clinical
Psychology 2, 95-152.
20. Bannister, D. and Fransella, F. (1966). "Grid Test of Thought
DisoriJcr". Psychological Test Publications. Barnstaple.
21. Bunnister, D. and Mair, J.M.M. (1968). In "The Evaluation of
Personal Constructs". Academic Press, London.
22. Bannister, D. and Salmon, P. (1966a). Schizophrenic thought
disorder: specific or diffuse? British Journal of medical Psychology 39,
23. Bannister, D. and Salmon, P. (]966b). A measure of intransitivi-
ty within resistance-to-change grids. Unpublished manuscript.
24. Bannister, D. and Salmon, P. (1967). Measures of superordinacy.
Unpublished manuscript.
25. Bannister, D., Fransella, F. and Agnew, J. (1971). Characteristics
and validity of the grid test of thought disorder. British Journal of social
and clinical Psychology 10, 144-151.
26. Bannister, D., Adams-Webber, J.R., Penn, W.I. and Rad-
ley, A.R. (1975). Reversing the process of thought disorder: a serial
validation experiment. British Journal of social and clinical Psychology
14, 169-180.
27. Barton, E.S., Walton, T. and Rowe, D. (1976). Using grid
technique with the mentally handicapped. In "Explorations of Interperso-
nal Space" (Ed. P. Slater), Vol. 1. Wiley, London.
28. Bateson, G.. Jackson, D., Haley, J. and Weakland, J. (1956).
Towards a theory of schizophrenia. Behavioural Science 4, 251.
29. Bender, M.P. (1969). To smile at or avert the eyes from: the
formation of relationships among students. Research in Education 2,
30. Bender, M.P. (1974). Provided versus elicited constructs: an
explanation of Warr and Coffmans (1970) anomolous finding. British
Journal of social and clinical Psychology 13, 329.
31. Bender, M.P. (1976). Does construing people as similar involve
similar behaviour towards them? A subjective and objective replication.
British Journal of social and clinical Psychology IS, 93-95.
32. Benjafield, J. and Adams-Webber, J.R. (1975). Assirnilative
projection and construct balance in the repertory grid. British Journal of
Psychology 66, 169-173.
33. Bergin, A.E. (1972). The evaluation of therapeutic outcomes. In
"Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change" (Eds. A.E. Bergin
and S.L. Garfield). Academic Press, London, and New York.
34. Bieri, J. (1955). Cognitive complexity-simplicity and predictive
behaviour. Journal of abnormal and social Psychology Si, 263-268.
35. Bieri, J.. Atkins, A.L., Briar, S., Leaman, R.L., Miller, H. and
Tripodi, T. (1966). "Clinical and Social Judgement: the Discrimination of
Behavioural Information". Wiley, New York.
36. Bonarius, J.C.J. (1965). Research in the personal construct theory
of George A. Kelly: role construct repertory test and basic theory. In
"Progress in Experimental Personality Research" (Ed. B.A. Maher),
Vol. 2,2-46, Academic Press, New York and London.
37. Bonarius. J.C.J. (1971). "Personal Construct Psychology and
Extreme Response Style". Swets and Zeitlinger, N. V., Amsterdam.
38. Briciley, D.\V. (1967). The use of personality constructs by
children of three different ages. Unpublished PhD. thesis, University of
39. Brown, R.W. (1958). Is a boulder sweet or sour? Contemporary
Psychology 3, 113-115.
40. Caine, T.M. and Smail, D.J. (1967). Personal relevance and
choice of constructs for the repertory grid technique. British Journal of
Psychiatry 113, 517-520.
41. Caine, T.M. and Smail, D.J. (1969). A study of the reliability and
validity of the repertory grid technique as a measure of the hysteroid/ob-
sessoid component of personality. Britisll Journal of Psychiatry 115,
42. Caplan, H.L., Rhode, P.O., Shapiro, D.A. and Watson, J.P.
(1975). Some correlates of repertory grid measures used to study a
psychotherapeutic group. British Journal of medical Psychology 48,
43. Carlson, R. (1971). Sex differences in ego functioning: explorato-
ry studies of agency and communion. Journal of consulting and clinical
Psychology 37, 267-277.
44. Carr,J.E. (1970). Differentiation similarity of patient and therapist
and the outcome of psychotherapy. Journal of abnormal Psychology 76,
45. Cattell, R.B. (1966). "Handbook of Multivariete Experimental
Psychology". Rand MeNally, Chicago.
46. Coleman, P. G. (1975). Interest in personal activities and degree
of perceived implications between personal constructs. British Journal of
social and clinical Psychology 14, 93-95.
47. Coombs, С. H. (1964). "A Theory of Data", Wiley, New York.
48. Crisp, A. H. (1964). An attempt to measure an aspect of
"Transference". British Journal of medical Psychology 37, 17-30.
49. Crockett, W. H. (1965). "Cognitive Complexity and Impression
Formation in Progress in Experimental Personality Research" (Ed.
B. A. Maher) Vol. 2. Academic Press, New York and London.
50. Cromwell, R. L. and Caldwell, D. F. (1962). A comparison of
ratings based on persona] constructs of self and others. Journal of clinical
Psycilology 18, 43-46.
51. Cronbach, L. J. (1946). Response sets and test validity.
Educational and Psychological Measurement 6, 475-494.
52. Draffan, J.W. (1973). Randomness in grid test scores. Britisll
Journal of medical Psychology 46, 391.
53. Duck, S. W. (1973). Similarity and perceived similarity of
personal constructs as influences on friendship choice. Britisll Journal of
social and clinical Psychology 12, 1-6.
54. Duck, S. and Spencer, C. (1972). Personal constructs and
friendship formation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 28,
55. Epting, F. R. (1972). The stability of cognitive complexity in
construing social issues. British Journal of social and clinical Psychology
II, 122-125.
56. Epting, F. R. (1975). Order of presentation of construct poles.
What are the factors to be considered? A reply. British Journal of social
and clinical Psychology 14, 427-428.
57. Epting, F. R., Suchman, D. 1. and Nickeson, K. J. (1971). An
evaluation of elicitation procedures for personal constructs. British
Journal of Psychology 62, 513-517.
58. Fager, R. E. (1962). Program for the analysis of repertory grids
on the 1620 IBM computer. Unpublished manuscript, Syracuse Universi-
59. Feidman, M. M. (1975). The body image and object relations:
exploration of a method utilizing repertory grid techniques. Britisll Journal
of Medical Psychology 48, 317-332. ,
60. Fielding, J. M. (1975). A technique for measuring outcome in
group psychotherapy, British Journal of medical Psychology 48, 189-
61. Field, S. P. and Landfield, A. W. (1961). Personal construct
theory consistency. Psychological Reports 8, 127-129.
62. Foulds, G. A., Hope, K., MePherson, F. M. and Mayo, P. R.
(1967). Cognitive disorder among the schizophrenias. In: The validity of
some tests of thought process disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry 113,
63. Fransella, F. (1965). The effects of imposed rhythm and certain
aspects of personality on the speech of stu.terers. Unpublished PhD.
thesis, University of London.
64. Fransella. F. (1969). The stutterer as subject or object? In
"Stuttering and the Conditioning Theraphies". (Eds. B. B. Gray and
G. England). Monterey Institute for Speech and Hearing, California.
65. Fransella, F. (1970). ... and then there was one. In "Perspectives
in Personal Construct Theory" (Ed. D. Bannistcr). Academic Press,
London and New York.
66. Fransella, F. (1972). "Personal Change and Reconstruction:
Research on a Treatment of Stuttering". Academic Press, London and
New York.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70