лучше, чем шахматист-перворазрядник, если в ее память за-
ложено примерно 1000 группировок. По их оценкам, если за-
аожить в память около 50 тысяч, а возможно, и меньше груп-
Мнемонисты, шахматная игра и память
пировок, то м.ашина сможет воспроизводить позиции не хуже:
мастера. Кажется вполне правдоподобным, что у мастера за
долгие годы игры в шахматы может накопиться в памяти
такой запас группировок (Simon a. Barenfeld, 1969)..
В этом довольно подробном разборе двух ситуаций,, в ко-
торых главную роль играет память, мы еще раз затронули
ряд тем, обсуждавшихся в книге. При рассмотрении явлений,
лежащих в основе специфических способностей выдающихся
мнемонистов и шахматных мастеров, нам пришлось затронуть
все этапы функционирования памяти-от приема входных
сообщений до их окончательного анализа и хранения. Изло-
женные в двенадцати предшествующих главах сведения о
кодировании, хранении и извлечении информации оказались
полезными для анализа двух специфических способностей,
которым посвящена эта последняя глава. Представители ког-
нитивной психологии надеются, что эти сведения окажутся
также полезными для понимания более общих аспектов че<
ловеческой памяти и ее роли в умственной деятельности.
Список литературы
Adams 1. А., 1967. Human Memory, New York, McGraw-Hill.
Alien M., 1968. Rehearsal strategies and response cueing as determinants
of organization in free recall, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Beha-
vior, 7,58-63.
Anderson }. R., Bower 0. H., 1972. Recognition and retrieval processes in
free recall. Psychological Review, 79, 97-123.
.Anderson 1. R., Bower 0. H., 1973. Human Associative Memory, Washington,
D. C., V. H. Winston and Sons.
Anderson J. R., Bonier G. H., 1974. A propositional theory of recognition
memory, Memory and Cognition, 2, 406-412.
Atkinson R. C" fuola }. F., 1973. Factors influencing speed and accuracy
of word recognition. In: S. Kornblum (ed.). Attention and Performan-
ce IV, New York, Academic Press.
Atkinson R. C" Shiffrin R. M., 1968. Human memory: A proposed system and
its control processes. In: K. W. Sponce and J. T. Spence (eds.), The
Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and
Theory (Vol. 2), New York, Academic Press.
Averbach E., Conell A. S., 1961. Short-term memory in vision, Bell System
Technical J., 40, 309-328.
Averbach E., Sperling G., 1961. Short-term storage of information in vision.
In: C. Cherry (ed.), Fourth London Symposium on Information Theory,
London and Washington, D. C., Butterworth.
Baddeley A. D., 1972. Retrieval rules and semantic coding in short-term
memory, Psychological Bulletin, 78, 379-385.
Baddeley A. D., Dale H. C. A., 1966. The effect of semantic similarity on
retroactive interference in long- and short-term memory, J. of Verbal
Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 417-420.
Barclay 1. R., 1973. The role of comprehension in remembering sentences,
Cognitive Psychology, 4, 229-254.
Barnes J. M., Underwood B. 1., 1959. of first-list associations in
transfer theory, J. of Experimental Psychology, 58, 97-105.
Bartlett F. C., 1932. Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psy-
chology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Battig W. F., Montague W. E., 1969. Category norms for verbal items in
56 categories: A replication and extension of the Connecticut category
norms, J. of Experimental Psychology Monograph, 80 (3, Pt. 2).
Begg 1., Paivio A., 1969. Concreteness and imagery in sentence meaning,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 821-827.
Bobrovs S. A., Bower 0. H., 1969. Comprehension and recall of sentences,
J. of Experimental Psychology, 80, 455-461.
Bousfield А. К.. Bousfield W. A., 1966. Measurement of clustering and of
sequential constancies in repeated free recall, Psychological Reports, 19,
Bousfield W. A., 1951. Frequency and availability measures in language be-
havior, Paper presented at annual meeting, American Psychological
Association, Chicago.
Bousfield W. A., 1953. The occurrence of clustering in the recall of randomly
arranged associates, J. of General Psychology, 49, 229-240.
Список литературы
Bousfield W. A., Cohen В. H., 1953. The effects of reinforcement on the
occurrence of clustering in the recall of randomly arranged associates,
J. of Psychology, 36, 67-81.
Bousfield W. A., Cohen B. H., Whitmarsh G. A., 1958. Associative clustering
in the recall of words of different taxonomic frequencies of occurrence,
Psychological Reports, 4, 39-44.
.Bousfield W. A., Puff C. R., 1964. Clustering as a function of response do-
minance, J. of Experimental Psychology, 67, 76-79.
Bower G. H., 1970. Organizational factors in memory, Cognitive Psychology,
Bower G. H., 1972a. A selective review of organizational factors in memory.
In: E. Tulving and W. Donaldson (eds.). Organization of Memory, New
York, Academic Press.
Cower 0. H., 1972b. Mental imagery and associative learning. In: L. Gregg
(ed.), Cognition in Learning and Memory, New York, Wiley,
Bower G. H., 1973. Memory freaks I have known, Psychology Today, 7,
Bower G. H., dark M. C" Lesgold A. M., Winzenz D., 1969. Hierarchical
retrieval schemes in recall of categorized word lists, J. of Verbal
Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 323-343.
Bower G. H., Мипог R., Arnold P. G., 1972. On distinguishing semantic
and imaginal mnemonics. Unpublished manuscript.
Bower G. H., Springston F., 1970. Pauses as recoding points in latter series,
J. of Experimental Psychology, 83, 421-430.
Bower G. H., Winzenz D., 1970. Comparison of associative learning strate-
gies, Psychonomic Science, 20, 119-120.
Bransford S. D., Barclay }. R., Franks f. }., 1972. Sentence memory: A con-
structive versus interpretive approach, Cognitive Psychology, 3, 193-
iBransford S. D., Franks }. 1., 1971. The abstraction of linguistic ideas, Cog-
nitive Psychology, 2,331-350.
Briggs G. E., 1954. Acquisition, extinction and recovery functions in retro-
active inhibition, J. of Experimental Psychology, 47, 285-293.
Briggs G. E., 1957. Retroactive inhibition as a function of the degree of
original and interpolated learning, J. of Experimental Psychology, 53,
Broadbent D. E., 1958. Perception and Communication, London, Pergamon
Brown. 1. A., 1958. Some tests of the decay theory of immediate memory,
Quarterly J. of Experimental Psychology, 10, 12-21.
Brown R. W., McNeill D., 1966. The phenomenon, J. of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 325-337.
Bruce D., Fagan R. L., 1970. More on the recognition and free recall of
organized lists, J. of Experimental Psychology, 85, 153-154.
Ceraso 1., Henderson A., 1965. Unavailability and associative loss in Rl
and PI, J. of Experimental Psychology, 70, 300-303.
Chase W. G., Simon H. A., 1973. Perception in chess, Cognitive Psychology,
4, 55-81.
Cherry E. C" 1953. Some experiments on the recognition of speech with
one and two ears, J. of the Acoustical Society of America, 25, 975-
Clifton C" Jr" Tash 1., 1973. Effect of syllabic word length on memory-
search rate, J. of Experimental Psychology, 99, 231-235.
Cofer C. N., 1965. On some factors in the organizational characteristics of
free recall, American Psychologist, 20, 261-272.
Cofer C. N., Bruce D. R., Reicher G. M., 1966. Clustering in free recall as
a function of certain methodological variations, J. of Experimental Psy-
. chology, 71, 858-866.
Список литературы
Cohen В. Н., 1966. Some-or-none characteristics of coding behavior, J. Ver-
bal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 182-187.
Collins A. M., Quillian M. R.. 1969. Retrieval time from semantic memory,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 240-247.
Collins A. M., Quillian M. R., 1970. Does category size affect categorization
time? J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 9, 432-438.
Conrad R" 1963. Acoustic confusions and memory span for words, Nature,.
Conrad R., 1964. Acoustic confusions in immediate memory, British J. of
Psychology, 55,75-84.
Cooper L. A., Shepard R. N., 1973. Chronometric studies of the rotation of
mental images. In: W. G. Chase (ed.). Visual Information Processing,.
New York, Academic Press.
Craik F. 1. M., Lockhart R. S., 1972. Levels of processing: A framework for
memory research, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, II, 671-
Craik F. 1. M., Watkins M. ]., 1973. The role of rehearsal in short-term
memory, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 12, 599-607.
Crossman E. R. F. W., 1958. Discussion of Paper 7 in National Physical
Laboratory Symposium. In: Mechanisation of Thought Processes (Vol. 2),.
London, Н. M. Stationary Office.
Grouse J. Н., 1971. Retroactive interference in reading prose materials, J. of
Educational Psychology, 62, 39-44.
Crowder R. G., Morion J., 1969. Precategorical acoustic storage (PAS), Per-
ception and Psychophysics, 5, 365-373.
DAgostino P. R., 1969. The blocked-random effect in recall and recognition,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 815-820.
Darwin С. Т., Turvey M. Т., Crowder R. 0., 1972. An auditory ?"inl"gue ofi
the Sperling partial report procedure: Evidence for brief auditory storar
ge, Cognitive Psychology, 3, 255-267.
Davis R., Sutherland N. S., ludd B. R., 1961. Information content in recogni-
tion and recall, J. of Experimental Psychology, 61, 422-429.
de Groot A. D., 1965. Thought and Choice in Chess, The Hague, Mouton.
de Groot A. D., 1966. Perception and memory versus thinking. In: B. Klein-
muntz (ed.). Problem Solving, New York, Wiley.
Delin P. S., 1969. The learning to criterion of a serial list with and without
mnemonic instructions, Psychonomic Science, 16, 169-170.
Deutsch D., 1970. Tones and numbers: Specificity of interference in imme-
diate memory. Science, 168,1604-1605.
Deutsch J. A., Deutsch D., 1963. Attention: Some theoretical considerations,
Psychological Review, 70, 80-90.
Bonders F. С., 1862. Die Schnelligkeit psychischer Processe, Arch. Anat.
PhysioL, 657-681.
Ebbinghaus H., 1885. Ober das Gedachtnis, Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot.
Franks J. }., Brans ford 1. D., 1971. Abstraction of visual patterns, J. of Expe-
rimental Psychology, 90, 65-74.
Franks 1. J., Bransford J. D., 1972. The acquisition of abstract ideas, J. of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, II, 311-315.
Freud S., 1940. [A note upon the] (J. Strachey,
trans.), International J. of Psycho-Analysis, 21, 469.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
ложено примерно 1000 группировок. По их оценкам, если за-
аожить в память около 50 тысяч, а возможно, и меньше груп-
Мнемонисты, шахматная игра и память
пировок, то м.ашина сможет воспроизводить позиции не хуже:
мастера. Кажется вполне правдоподобным, что у мастера за
долгие годы игры в шахматы может накопиться в памяти
такой запас группировок (Simon a. Barenfeld, 1969)..
В этом довольно подробном разборе двух ситуаций,, в ко-
торых главную роль играет память, мы еще раз затронули
ряд тем, обсуждавшихся в книге. При рассмотрении явлений,
лежащих в основе специфических способностей выдающихся
мнемонистов и шахматных мастеров, нам пришлось затронуть
все этапы функционирования памяти-от приема входных
сообщений до их окончательного анализа и хранения. Изло-
женные в двенадцати предшествующих главах сведения о
кодировании, хранении и извлечении информации оказались
полезными для анализа двух специфических способностей,
которым посвящена эта последняя глава. Представители ког-
нитивной психологии надеются, что эти сведения окажутся
также полезными для понимания более общих аспектов че<
ловеческой памяти и ее роли в умственной деятельности.
Список литературы
Adams 1. А., 1967. Human Memory, New York, McGraw-Hill.
Alien M., 1968. Rehearsal strategies and response cueing as determinants
of organization in free recall, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Beha-
vior, 7,58-63.
Anderson }. R., Bower 0. H., 1972. Recognition and retrieval processes in
free recall. Psychological Review, 79, 97-123.
.Anderson 1. R., Bower 0. H., 1973. Human Associative Memory, Washington,
D. C., V. H. Winston and Sons.
Anderson J. R., Bonier G. H., 1974. A propositional theory of recognition
memory, Memory and Cognition, 2, 406-412.
Atkinson R. C" fuola }. F., 1973. Factors influencing speed and accuracy
of word recognition. In: S. Kornblum (ed.). Attention and Performan-
ce IV, New York, Academic Press.
Atkinson R. C" Shiffrin R. M., 1968. Human memory: A proposed system and
its control processes. In: K. W. Sponce and J. T. Spence (eds.), The
Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and
Theory (Vol. 2), New York, Academic Press.
Averbach E., Conell A. S., 1961. Short-term memory in vision, Bell System
Technical J., 40, 309-328.
Averbach E., Sperling G., 1961. Short-term storage of information in vision.
In: C. Cherry (ed.), Fourth London Symposium on Information Theory,
London and Washington, D. C., Butterworth.
Baddeley A. D., 1972. Retrieval rules and semantic coding in short-term
memory, Psychological Bulletin, 78, 379-385.
Baddeley A. D., Dale H. C. A., 1966. The effect of semantic similarity on
retroactive interference in long- and short-term memory, J. of Verbal
Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 417-420.
Barclay 1. R., 1973. The role of comprehension in remembering sentences,
Cognitive Psychology, 4, 229-254.
Barnes J. M., Underwood B. 1., 1959.
transfer theory, J. of Experimental Psychology, 58, 97-105.
Bartlett F. C., 1932. Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psy-
chology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Battig W. F., Montague W. E., 1969. Category norms for verbal items in
56 categories: A replication and extension of the Connecticut category
norms, J. of Experimental Psychology Monograph, 80 (3, Pt. 2).
Begg 1., Paivio A., 1969. Concreteness and imagery in sentence meaning,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 821-827.
Bobrovs S. A., Bower 0. H., 1969. Comprehension and recall of sentences,
J. of Experimental Psychology, 80, 455-461.
Bousfield А. К.. Bousfield W. A., 1966. Measurement of clustering and of
sequential constancies in repeated free recall, Psychological Reports, 19,
Bousfield W. A., 1951. Frequency and availability measures in language be-
havior, Paper presented at annual meeting, American Psychological
Association, Chicago.
Bousfield W. A., 1953. The occurrence of clustering in the recall of randomly
arranged associates, J. of General Psychology, 49, 229-240.
Список литературы
Bousfield W. A., Cohen В. H., 1953. The effects of reinforcement on the
occurrence of clustering in the recall of randomly arranged associates,
J. of Psychology, 36, 67-81.
Bousfield W. A., Cohen B. H., Whitmarsh G. A., 1958. Associative clustering
in the recall of words of different taxonomic frequencies of occurrence,
Psychological Reports, 4, 39-44.
.Bousfield W. A., Puff C. R., 1964. Clustering as a function of response do-
minance, J. of Experimental Psychology, 67, 76-79.
Bower G. H., 1970. Organizational factors in memory, Cognitive Psychology,
Bower G. H., 1972a. A selective review of organizational factors in memory.
In: E. Tulving and W. Donaldson (eds.). Organization of Memory, New
York, Academic Press.
Cower 0. H., 1972b. Mental imagery and associative learning. In: L. Gregg
(ed.), Cognition in Learning and Memory, New York, Wiley,
Bower G. H., 1973. Memory freaks I have known, Psychology Today, 7,
Bower G. H., dark M. C" Lesgold A. M., Winzenz D., 1969. Hierarchical
retrieval schemes in recall of categorized word lists, J. of Verbal
Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 323-343.
Bower G. H., Мипог R., Arnold P. G., 1972. On distinguishing semantic
and imaginal mnemonics. Unpublished manuscript.
Bower G. H., Springston F., 1970. Pauses as recoding points in latter series,
J. of Experimental Psychology, 83, 421-430.
Bower G. H., Winzenz D., 1970. Comparison of associative learning strate-
gies, Psychonomic Science, 20, 119-120.
Bransford S. D., Barclay }. R., Franks f. }., 1972. Sentence memory: A con-
structive versus interpretive approach, Cognitive Psychology, 3, 193-
iBransford S. D., Franks }. 1., 1971. The abstraction of linguistic ideas, Cog-
nitive Psychology, 2,331-350.
Briggs G. E., 1954. Acquisition, extinction and recovery functions in retro-
active inhibition, J. of Experimental Psychology, 47, 285-293.
Briggs G. E., 1957. Retroactive inhibition as a function of the degree of
original and interpolated learning, J. of Experimental Psychology, 53,
Broadbent D. E., 1958. Perception and Communication, London, Pergamon
Brown. 1. A., 1958. Some tests of the decay theory of immediate memory,
Quarterly J. of Experimental Psychology, 10, 12-21.
Brown R. W., McNeill D., 1966. The
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 325-337.
Bruce D., Fagan R. L., 1970. More on the recognition and free recall of
organized lists, J. of Experimental Psychology, 85, 153-154.
Ceraso 1., Henderson A., 1965. Unavailability and associative loss in Rl
and PI, J. of Experimental Psychology, 70, 300-303.
Chase W. G., Simon H. A., 1973. Perception in chess, Cognitive Psychology,
4, 55-81.
Cherry E. C" 1953. Some experiments on the recognition of speech with
one and two ears, J. of the Acoustical Society of America, 25, 975-
Clifton C" Jr" Tash 1., 1973. Effect of syllabic word length on memory-
search rate, J. of Experimental Psychology, 99, 231-235.
Cofer C. N., 1965. On some factors in the organizational characteristics of
free recall, American Psychologist, 20, 261-272.
Cofer C. N., Bruce D. R., Reicher G. M., 1966. Clustering in free recall as
a function of certain methodological variations, J. of Experimental Psy-
. chology, 71, 858-866.
Список литературы
Cohen В. Н., 1966. Some-or-none characteristics of coding behavior, J. Ver-
bal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 182-187.
Collins A. M., Quillian M. R.. 1969. Retrieval time from semantic memory,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 240-247.
Collins A. M., Quillian M. R., 1970. Does category size affect categorization
time? J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 9, 432-438.
Conrad R" 1963. Acoustic confusions and memory span for words, Nature,.
Conrad R., 1964. Acoustic confusions in immediate memory, British J. of
Psychology, 55,75-84.
Cooper L. A., Shepard R. N., 1973. Chronometric studies of the rotation of
mental images. In: W. G. Chase (ed.). Visual Information Processing,.
New York, Academic Press.
Craik F. 1. M., Lockhart R. S., 1972. Levels of processing: A framework for
memory research, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, II, 671-
Craik F. 1. M., Watkins M. ]., 1973. The role of rehearsal in short-term
memory, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 12, 599-607.
Crossman E. R. F. W., 1958. Discussion of Paper 7 in National Physical
Laboratory Symposium. In: Mechanisation of Thought Processes (Vol. 2),.
London, Н. M. Stationary Office.
Grouse J. Н., 1971. Retroactive interference in reading prose materials, J. of
Educational Psychology, 62, 39-44.
Crowder R. G., Morion J., 1969. Precategorical acoustic storage (PAS), Per-
ception and Psychophysics, 5, 365-373.
DAgostino P. R., 1969. The blocked-random effect in recall and recognition,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 815-820.
Darwin С. Т., Turvey M. Т., Crowder R. 0., 1972. An auditory ?"inl"gue ofi
the Sperling partial report procedure: Evidence for brief auditory storar
ge, Cognitive Psychology, 3, 255-267.
Davis R., Sutherland N. S., ludd B. R., 1961. Information content in recogni-
tion and recall, J. of Experimental Psychology, 61, 422-429.
de Groot A. D., 1965. Thought and Choice in Chess, The Hague, Mouton.
de Groot A. D., 1966. Perception and memory versus thinking. In: B. Klein-
muntz (ed.). Problem Solving, New York, Wiley.
Delin P. S., 1969. The learning to criterion of a serial list with and without
mnemonic instructions, Psychonomic Science, 16, 169-170.
Deutsch D., 1970. Tones and numbers: Specificity of interference in imme-
diate memory. Science, 168,1604-1605.
Deutsch J. A., Deutsch D., 1963. Attention: Some theoretical considerations,
Psychological Review, 70, 80-90.
Bonders F. С., 1862. Die Schnelligkeit psychischer Processe, Arch. Anat.
PhysioL, 657-681.
Ebbinghaus H., 1885. Ober das Gedachtnis, Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot.
Franks J. }., Brans ford 1. D., 1971. Abstraction of visual patterns, J. of Expe-
rimental Psychology, 90, 65-74.
Franks 1. J., Bransford J. D., 1972. The acquisition of abstract ideas, J. of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, II, 311-315.
Freud S., 1940. [A note upon the
trans.), International J. of Psycho-Analysis, 21, 469.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106