II. 1985.
James M. Markham, «Terrorists put benign Belgium under mental siege», New York Times, 6.2.1986.
Raf Casert, «Belgium orders investigation into secret anti-communist groups» Associated Press, 9. II. 1990.
«Belgium probes terrorist links with NATO-wide resistance group «, Reuters, 9.11.1990.
Michael Binyon, «Head of Belgian detective force arrested». The Times, 26.4.1990.
David Usborne, «Belgium throws the book at its bungling state security service «, The Independent, 8.5.1990.
Dan lzenberg, « Apparent blunder: Israel jets intercept, release Libyan plane», Associated Press, 4.2.1986.
David Nordell, «lsraeli leaders have no apologies for grounding plane», Associated Press, 5.2.1986.
Andrew Whitley, «lsrael forces down Libyan jet», Financial Times, 5.2.1986.
«When Mossad shoots itself in the foot», Manchester Guardian Weekly, 16.2.1986.
Глава 2
Brenda C. Coleman, «Company accuses Israel of stealing trade secrets», Associated Press, 19.8. 1986.
«Loral wins contract for joint service image processing system», PR Newswire, 22.9.1987.
Edward T. Pound / David Rogers, «lnquiring eyes: An Israeli contract with a U. S. company leads to espionage – arbiters say Israel stole data, and it wasn't first time the ally spied in America «, Wall Street Journal, 17. 1. 1992.
Edward T. Pound / David Rogers, «How Israel spends $ 1,8 billion a year at its purchasing mission in New York», Wall Street Journal, 20.1.1992.
Edward T. Pound / David Rogers, «Politics and policy: Roles of ex-Pentagon officials at Jewish group show clout of cold-warrior, pro-Israel network», Wall Street Journal, 22.1.1992.
Глава 4
Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republik of Sri Lanka, press release, Washington, D. C., 20.9. 1990.
Yohanan Lahav, «The Mossad assisted Tamils in Sri Lanka: as told by Indian Minister of Finance Subramanis Swami», Yediot Aharonot, 14. 12. 1990.
Thalif Deen, «Mossad sells arms to Tamil Tigers «, Sri Lanka Sunday Observer, 30.9.1990.
«Mossad behind bugging of Danish parliament's ombudsman, paper says», Agence France Presse, 2. 12.1993.
«Danish officials confirm illegal Mossad activities» The Washington Times, 10.10.1990.
Ygal Rom, «Danish government enquiry into Mossad's bugging of Professor, from the Danish paper Extrablatt», Yediot Aharonot, 3.12.1993.
«Denmark: Mossad is working in our territory against the law», Yediot Aharonot, 22.9.1990.
Julian M. Ilsherwood, «Danish parliament investigates Israel's Mossad», United Press International, 10.10. 1990.
Peter Eisner, «Judge in Noriega trial stops questions on CIA, Mossad», Newsday, 25.9.1991.
«With Noriega, the end of Harari», Latin American Weekly Report, 18.1.1990.
Глава 8
Ian Black / Benny Morris, Israel's Secret Wars: The Untold History of Israeli Intelligence, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1991, S. 426–427.
Stanley Meisler, «France will put Arab on trial in 2 assassinations» Los Angeles Times, 29. 1. 1987.
Kathleen Brady, «A Paris court stands firm; Life in prison for a terrorist» Time, 9.3.1987.
Ehud Ya'ari, «Behind the terror» The Atlantic, June 1987.
Robert Sure, « Unmasking a terror group: Typical pattern of travel, havens and killings» New York Times, 13.4. 1986.
John Vinocur, «American diplomat shot in Strasbourg; C.I. A. link denied» New York Times, 27.3. 1984.
«Around the world; police in Paris sees link among political slayings» New York Times, 10.4. 1982.
Steven Strasser / Milan J. Kubic /James Pringle /Julian Nundy / Ray Wilkinson, «A terrible swift sword» Newsweek, 21.6.1982.
Karin Laub, «Shamir denies he decided to fire Mossad chief» Associated Press, 12.1.1989.
Глава 11
Allyn Fisher, «American immigrant doctor blamed for Hebron massacre with Israel-unrest» Associated Press, 25.2. 1994.
Michael Arndt, «More mainstream Jews drawn to Kahane's side» Chicago Tribune, 20.4.1986.
Leonard Buder, «Prison for ex-J.D.L. chief in bombing» The New York Times. 27.10.1987.
Глава 12
«Five in Bermuda ordered deported in Iran arms sale plot», Reuters North European Service, 16.5.1986.
Thomas L. Friedman, « Israel denies smuggling cluster bomb technology», The New York Times, 10.7. 1986.
Thomas L. Friedman, «How Israel's economy got hooked in selling arms abroad», The New York Times, 7. 12.1986.
Глава 14
Kirn I. Mills, «Two Israelis charged in ongoing probe of U. S. defense industry» Associated Press, 29.4.1993.
James Rowley, «Paisley, former assistant secretary, pleads guilty», Associated Press, 14.6. 1991.
«Arms fraud probe said widened to two Israeli firms», Reuters, 11.7. 1988.
Глава 15
Jacob Erez, «A high-ranking officer in the office of the Prime Minister was a KGB agent», Maariv Israeli Daily, 3.9. 1993.
«Suspect held over disco blast that sparked US raid on Libya», The Independent, 28.7.1990
Bob Woodward, «Protecting Reagan: CIA built case against Qadhafi. U.S. interception of messages led to raid on Libya», Chicago Tribune, 28.9. 1987.
Глава 19
Menachem Shalev, «Best of British...», The Jerusalem Post, 17.1. 1989.
«Syria says British and Israeli secret services cooperate», Reuters, 25.6.1988. «British say Israelis faked passports; Mossad accused of using forgeries in attacks on foes», Los Angeles Times, 16.3. 1987.
Simon O'Dwyer-Russell / Christopher Elliott, «lsraeli intelligence cell pulled out of Britain», Sunday Telegraph, 24.7. 1988.
Simon O'Dwyer-Russell, «Israel halts secrets trade with MI 6 after expulsions», Sunday Telegraph, 21.8.1988.
John Weeks, «End of MI6-Mossad rift vital to terrorist hunt» Daily Telegraph, 30.12.1988.
Simon O'Dwyer-Russell, «Israel link in Blowpipe scandal», Daily Telegraph, 16.5.1989.
Глава 21
Shamir insists Israel not involved in Pollard affair», Reuters, 23.3. 1987.
«U. S. A.: Israel, Inman and Pollard», Intelligence Newsletter, 10.2. 1994.
Michael J. Sniffen, «Appeals court upholds guilty plea and sentence for spy», Associated Press, 20.3.1992.
G. Keenan, «Worsening relations with Israel inevitable» The Vancouver Sun, 26.3.1992.
Глава 22
Graeme Kennedy, « Pacific Express finds demand for dirty work». The National Business Review, 30.4.1993.
Graeme Kennedy, « Pacific Express expands air freight fleet», The National Business Review, 4.12.1992.
« Swiss/Soviet metro freight carrier topples», Flight, 17.7.1991.
«Movie producer Arnon Milchen shopped for Israel's nuclear weapons program, TV report says», Israeli Foreign Affairs, Bd. IX, Nr. 3.
Глава 23
Daniel Schifrin, «Traitor or patriot?: Mordechai Vanunu is in jail for exposing Israel's alleged nuclear secrets. But his brother, Meir, calls him a hero», Baltimore Jewish Times, 13.8. 1993.
Chaim Bermant, «Israel's not-so-secret weapon: Chaim Bermant on the sub- plots of the Vanunu affair», Sunday Telegraph, 19.7.1992.
R.Barry O'Brien, «Conman link admitted by Hersh», Daily Telegraph, 18.11.1991. Peter Hounam / David Leppard / Nick Rufford, «Another hoaxed over Maxwell Mossad link», Sunday Times, 17. II. 1991.
Alastair McCall, «New charges in Vanunu affair», Daily Telegraph, 13.11.1991.
Sam Seibert/Ronald Henkoff/Barbara Rosen, «A right to disobedience? Israel tries Vanunu», Newsweek, 17.9. 1987.
George Jones / Philip Johnson, «Book links Maxwell to Mossad», Daily Telegraph, 23.10.1991.
«British newspaper says Israel among world's nuclear powers», Reuters, 4.10.1986.
«U.K. cuts Syria ties over El Al Bomb plot: Jordanian suspect is convicted», Facts on File World News Digest,31. 10. 1986.
Глава 25
«New theories about death of West German Politician» The Reuter Library Report, 3.8.1988.
Anna Tomforde, «SPD win Schleswig-Holstein», Manchester Guardian Weekly, 15.5.1988. «Second autopsy ordered on body of West German politician» Reuters, 23.10.1987. « Scandal-hit West German politician was murdered, brother says». The Reuter Library Report, 12.10.1987.
«lran pulls envoy after alleged gas deal», St. Petersburg Times, 28.6. 1989.
David Gow, «Mr. Clean under fire over new dirty tricks revelations», The Guardian, 1.5. 1993.
Ron Csillag, «Profile: Benjamin Netanyahu; Israel's ambassador to the U.N. and the opening of the war crimes archives» Lifestyles, Bd. 15, Nr. 92, 1988.
Глава 26
«Vanuatu: South Pacific news coverage upsets leaders» National Business Review, 7.7.1989.
Глава 27
Finlay Marshall, «Bazoft cleared of spying, says Observer» Press Association Newsfile, 17.3.1990.
David Connett/Tim Kelsey/Julian Nundy, «lnside Story: Who was this man who was hanged as a spy?» The Independent, 18.3. 1990.
David Leppard, «Ex-police chief reveals Bazoft talks at Yard», The Sunday Times, 18.3.1990.
Anton Ferreira, «lraqi chemical threat seen as response to fears over lsrael», The Reuter Library Report, 10.4.1990.
Charles Miller, «Murder link theory in arms find». Press Association Newsfile, 12.4.1990.
Steve Weizman, «Slain weapons expert helped Israel improve big guns», The Reuter Library Report, 13.4. 1990.
«lraq: Evidence was faked to smear Bazoft», Observer, 10.6. 1990.
Michael Kneissler, «So killte ich Saddam Hussein», Wiener, 2.2. 1991.
Petre Huck «Iraq: Saddam's superguns», Australian Financial Review, 27.3.1992.
«How Britain armed Saddam «, Observer, 15. 11. 1992.
Richard Norton-Taylor, « Director tells how he foiled supergun plot», The Guardian, 1.7.1993.
Глава 28
Ken Gross /J.D. Podolsky, «As Israel tries to smother his book, a former Mossad spy spills some dark secrets of that shadowy service», People, 1.10.1990.
Jamie Lamb, «A mystery story», The Vancouver Sun, 17. 11.1990. «lnside the Mossad «, Newsweek, 24.9. 1990.
Joshua Brilliant, «Ex-Mossadnik said to be „greedy, ambitious“, The Jerusalem Post, 11.9.1990.
Gagy Baron, «Israel turned to a Canadian court because Mossad wanted to buy time: Ostrovsky refused a financial offer in return for not publishing. A high source „The book would have gained prominence anyway“, Yediot Aharanot, 19.9.1990.
lan Black, «Agency chiefs mop up after Mossad book», Manchester Guardian Weekly, 23.9.1990.
« Victor Ostrovsky and Mossad «, El Aharam, 9.4. 1992.
«lsrael rejects charge of kidnapping Shiite cleric», AFP, 8.4. 1992.
« Lebanon – April 8 – Israel denies Sadr kidnapping», APS Diplomatic Recorder, 11.4.1992.
«Mossad background» APS Diplomat Strategic Balance in the Middle East, 7.9.1992.
«How Israel blew up Saddam bomb». The Sunday Times, 16.9. 1990.
Angel Guerra, «Publisher did not claim writer's life threatened» The Toronto Star. 3.10.1990.
Bertrand Desjardins, «Un ex-agent se met a table et devoile des secrets», Le Journal de Montreal, 26. 1. 1991.
«Les Etats-Unis sont-ils manipules par Israel ?», Le Journal de Montreal, 26.1.1991.
«Detruire la bombe de Saddam! «, Paris Match, 8. II. 1990.
Batsheva Tsur, «Navy saved Ethiopian Jews in '80s». The Jerusalem Post, 18.3.1994.
Antonio Carlucci, «ll Mossad e nudo», Panorama, 14. 10. 1990.
Mike Anderson, «Deception and controversy» Metro, Bd.lll, Heft IX, November 1990.
«Tony Brown's comments», Washington (D. C.) Informer, 3. 10.1990.
Art Winslow, «Mossad's cover story «, The Nation, 22. 10. 1990.
Mark Kennedy, «Spy inquiries touched off by allegations» The Ottawa Citizen, 5.2.1992.
Dan Raviv, «On angry spy», The Toronto Star, 6.10.1991.
«Mossad's dirty laundry «, Antigo (Wise.) Journal, 31.10. 1990.
Jane Hunter, «Steven Emerson: A journalist who knows how to take a leak», EXTRA!, Oktober/November 1992.
Robert Fife, « Israeli spying detailed», The Ottawa Sun, 15.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
James M. Markham, «Terrorists put benign Belgium under mental siege», New York Times, 6.2.1986.
Raf Casert, «Belgium orders investigation into secret anti-communist groups» Associated Press, 9. II. 1990.
«Belgium probes terrorist links with NATO-wide resistance group «, Reuters, 9.11.1990.
Michael Binyon, «Head of Belgian detective force arrested». The Times, 26.4.1990.
David Usborne, «Belgium throws the book at its bungling state security service «, The Independent, 8.5.1990.
Dan lzenberg, « Apparent blunder: Israel jets intercept, release Libyan plane», Associated Press, 4.2.1986.
David Nordell, «lsraeli leaders have no apologies for grounding plane», Associated Press, 5.2.1986.
Andrew Whitley, «lsrael forces down Libyan jet», Financial Times, 5.2.1986.
«When Mossad shoots itself in the foot», Manchester Guardian Weekly, 16.2.1986.
Глава 2
Brenda C. Coleman, «Company accuses Israel of stealing trade secrets», Associated Press, 19.8. 1986.
«Loral wins contract for joint service image processing system», PR Newswire, 22.9.1987.
Edward T. Pound / David Rogers, «lnquiring eyes: An Israeli contract with a U. S. company leads to espionage – arbiters say Israel stole data, and it wasn't first time the ally spied in America «, Wall Street Journal, 17. 1. 1992.
Edward T. Pound / David Rogers, «How Israel spends $ 1,8 billion a year at its purchasing mission in New York», Wall Street Journal, 20.1.1992.
Edward T. Pound / David Rogers, «Politics and policy: Roles of ex-Pentagon officials at Jewish group show clout of cold-warrior, pro-Israel network», Wall Street Journal, 22.1.1992.
Глава 4
Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republik of Sri Lanka, press release, Washington, D. C., 20.9. 1990.
Yohanan Lahav, «The Mossad assisted Tamils in Sri Lanka: as told by Indian Minister of Finance Subramanis Swami», Yediot Aharonot, 14. 12. 1990.
Thalif Deen, «Mossad sells arms to Tamil Tigers «, Sri Lanka Sunday Observer, 30.9.1990.
«Mossad behind bugging of Danish parliament's ombudsman, paper says», Agence France Presse, 2. 12.1993.
«Danish officials confirm illegal Mossad activities» The Washington Times, 10.10.1990.
Ygal Rom, «Danish government enquiry into Mossad's bugging of Professor, from the Danish paper Extrablatt», Yediot Aharonot, 3.12.1993.
«Denmark: Mossad is working in our territory against the law», Yediot Aharonot, 22.9.1990.
Julian M. Ilsherwood, «Danish parliament investigates Israel's Mossad», United Press International, 10.10. 1990.
Peter Eisner, «Judge in Noriega trial stops questions on CIA, Mossad», Newsday, 25.9.1991.
«With Noriega, the end of Harari», Latin American Weekly Report, 18.1.1990.
Глава 8
Ian Black / Benny Morris, Israel's Secret Wars: The Untold History of Israeli Intelligence, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1991, S. 426–427.
Stanley Meisler, «France will put Arab on trial in 2 assassinations» Los Angeles Times, 29. 1. 1987.
Kathleen Brady, «A Paris court stands firm; Life in prison for a terrorist» Time, 9.3.1987.
Ehud Ya'ari, «Behind the terror» The Atlantic, June 1987.
Robert Sure, « Unmasking a terror group: Typical pattern of travel, havens and killings» New York Times, 13.4. 1986.
John Vinocur, «American diplomat shot in Strasbourg; C.I. A. link denied» New York Times, 27.3. 1984.
«Around the world; police in Paris sees link among political slayings» New York Times, 10.4. 1982.
Steven Strasser / Milan J. Kubic /James Pringle /Julian Nundy / Ray Wilkinson, «A terrible swift sword» Newsweek, 21.6.1982.
Karin Laub, «Shamir denies he decided to fire Mossad chief» Associated Press, 12.1.1989.
Глава 11
Allyn Fisher, «American immigrant doctor blamed for Hebron massacre with Israel-unrest» Associated Press, 25.2. 1994.
Michael Arndt, «More mainstream Jews drawn to Kahane's side» Chicago Tribune, 20.4.1986.
Leonard Buder, «Prison for ex-J.D.L. chief in bombing» The New York Times. 27.10.1987.
Глава 12
«Five in Bermuda ordered deported in Iran arms sale plot», Reuters North European Service, 16.5.1986.
Thomas L. Friedman, « Israel denies smuggling cluster bomb technology», The New York Times, 10.7. 1986.
Thomas L. Friedman, «How Israel's economy got hooked in selling arms abroad», The New York Times, 7. 12.1986.
Глава 14
Kirn I. Mills, «Two Israelis charged in ongoing probe of U. S. defense industry» Associated Press, 29.4.1993.
James Rowley, «Paisley, former assistant secretary, pleads guilty», Associated Press, 14.6. 1991.
«Arms fraud probe said widened to two Israeli firms», Reuters, 11.7. 1988.
Глава 15
Jacob Erez, «A high-ranking officer in the office of the Prime Minister was a KGB agent», Maariv Israeli Daily, 3.9. 1993.
«Suspect held over disco blast that sparked US raid on Libya», The Independent, 28.7.1990
Bob Woodward, «Protecting Reagan: CIA built case against Qadhafi. U.S. interception of messages led to raid on Libya», Chicago Tribune, 28.9. 1987.
Глава 19
Menachem Shalev, «Best of British...», The Jerusalem Post, 17.1. 1989.
«Syria says British and Israeli secret services cooperate», Reuters, 25.6.1988. «British say Israelis faked passports; Mossad accused of using forgeries in attacks on foes», Los Angeles Times, 16.3. 1987.
Simon O'Dwyer-Russell / Christopher Elliott, «lsraeli intelligence cell pulled out of Britain», Sunday Telegraph, 24.7. 1988.
Simon O'Dwyer-Russell, «Israel halts secrets trade with MI 6 after expulsions», Sunday Telegraph, 21.8.1988.
John Weeks, «End of MI6-Mossad rift vital to terrorist hunt» Daily Telegraph, 30.12.1988.
Simon O'Dwyer-Russell, «Israel link in Blowpipe scandal», Daily Telegraph, 16.5.1989.
Глава 21
Shamir insists Israel not involved in Pollard affair», Reuters, 23.3. 1987.
«U. S. A.: Israel, Inman and Pollard», Intelligence Newsletter, 10.2. 1994.
Michael J. Sniffen, «Appeals court upholds guilty plea and sentence for spy», Associated Press, 20.3.1992.
G. Keenan, «Worsening relations with Israel inevitable» The Vancouver Sun, 26.3.1992.
Глава 22
Graeme Kennedy, « Pacific Express finds demand for dirty work». The National Business Review, 30.4.1993.
Graeme Kennedy, « Pacific Express expands air freight fleet», The National Business Review, 4.12.1992.
« Swiss/Soviet metro freight carrier topples», Flight, 17.7.1991.
«Movie producer Arnon Milchen shopped for Israel's nuclear weapons program, TV report says», Israeli Foreign Affairs, Bd. IX, Nr. 3.
Глава 23
Daniel Schifrin, «Traitor or patriot?: Mordechai Vanunu is in jail for exposing Israel's alleged nuclear secrets. But his brother, Meir, calls him a hero», Baltimore Jewish Times, 13.8. 1993.
Chaim Bermant, «Israel's not-so-secret weapon: Chaim Bermant on the sub- plots of the Vanunu affair», Sunday Telegraph, 19.7.1992.
R.Barry O'Brien, «Conman link admitted by Hersh», Daily Telegraph, 18.11.1991. Peter Hounam / David Leppard / Nick Rufford, «Another hoaxed over Maxwell Mossad link», Sunday Times, 17. II. 1991.
Alastair McCall, «New charges in Vanunu affair», Daily Telegraph, 13.11.1991.
Sam Seibert/Ronald Henkoff/Barbara Rosen, «A right to disobedience? Israel tries Vanunu», Newsweek, 17.9. 1987.
George Jones / Philip Johnson, «Book links Maxwell to Mossad», Daily Telegraph, 23.10.1991.
«British newspaper says Israel among world's nuclear powers», Reuters, 4.10.1986.
«U.K. cuts Syria ties over El Al Bomb plot: Jordanian suspect is convicted», Facts on File World News Digest,31. 10. 1986.
Глава 25
«New theories about death of West German Politician» The Reuter Library Report, 3.8.1988.
Anna Tomforde, «SPD win Schleswig-Holstein», Manchester Guardian Weekly, 15.5.1988. «Second autopsy ordered on body of West German politician» Reuters, 23.10.1987. « Scandal-hit West German politician was murdered, brother says». The Reuter Library Report, 12.10.1987.
«lran pulls envoy after alleged gas deal», St. Petersburg Times, 28.6. 1989.
David Gow, «Mr. Clean under fire over new dirty tricks revelations», The Guardian, 1.5. 1993.
Ron Csillag, «Profile: Benjamin Netanyahu; Israel's ambassador to the U.N. and the opening of the war crimes archives» Lifestyles, Bd. 15, Nr. 92, 1988.
Глава 26
«Vanuatu: South Pacific news coverage upsets leaders» National Business Review, 7.7.1989.
Глава 27
Finlay Marshall, «Bazoft cleared of spying, says Observer» Press Association Newsfile, 17.3.1990.
David Connett/Tim Kelsey/Julian Nundy, «lnside Story: Who was this man who was hanged as a spy?» The Independent, 18.3. 1990.
David Leppard, «Ex-police chief reveals Bazoft talks at Yard», The Sunday Times, 18.3.1990.
Anton Ferreira, «lraqi chemical threat seen as response to fears over lsrael», The Reuter Library Report, 10.4.1990.
Charles Miller, «Murder link theory in arms find». Press Association Newsfile, 12.4.1990.
Steve Weizman, «Slain weapons expert helped Israel improve big guns», The Reuter Library Report, 13.4. 1990.
«lraq: Evidence was faked to smear Bazoft», Observer, 10.6. 1990.
Michael Kneissler, «So killte ich Saddam Hussein», Wiener, 2.2. 1991.
Petre Huck «Iraq: Saddam's superguns», Australian Financial Review, 27.3.1992.
«How Britain armed Saddam «, Observer, 15. 11. 1992.
Richard Norton-Taylor, « Director tells how he foiled supergun plot», The Guardian, 1.7.1993.
Глава 28
Ken Gross /J.D. Podolsky, «As Israel tries to smother his book, a former Mossad spy spills some dark secrets of that shadowy service», People, 1.10.1990.
Jamie Lamb, «A mystery story», The Vancouver Sun, 17. 11.1990. «lnside the Mossad «, Newsweek, 24.9. 1990.
Joshua Brilliant, «Ex-Mossadnik said to be „greedy, ambitious“, The Jerusalem Post, 11.9.1990.
Gagy Baron, «Israel turned to a Canadian court because Mossad wanted to buy time: Ostrovsky refused a financial offer in return for not publishing. A high source „The book would have gained prominence anyway“, Yediot Aharanot, 19.9.1990.
lan Black, «Agency chiefs mop up after Mossad book», Manchester Guardian Weekly, 23.9.1990.
« Victor Ostrovsky and Mossad «, El Aharam, 9.4. 1992.
«lsrael rejects charge of kidnapping Shiite cleric», AFP, 8.4. 1992.
« Lebanon – April 8 – Israel denies Sadr kidnapping», APS Diplomatic Recorder, 11.4.1992.
«Mossad background» APS Diplomat Strategic Balance in the Middle East, 7.9.1992.
«How Israel blew up Saddam bomb». The Sunday Times, 16.9. 1990.
Angel Guerra, «Publisher did not claim writer's life threatened» The Toronto Star. 3.10.1990.
Bertrand Desjardins, «Un ex-agent se met a table et devoile des secrets», Le Journal de Montreal, 26. 1. 1991.
«Les Etats-Unis sont-ils manipules par Israel ?», Le Journal de Montreal, 26.1.1991.
«Detruire la bombe de Saddam! «, Paris Match, 8. II. 1990.
Batsheva Tsur, «Navy saved Ethiopian Jews in '80s». The Jerusalem Post, 18.3.1994.
Antonio Carlucci, «ll Mossad e nudo», Panorama, 14. 10. 1990.
Mike Anderson, «Deception and controversy» Metro, Bd.lll, Heft IX, November 1990.
«Tony Brown's comments», Washington (D. C.) Informer, 3. 10.1990.
Art Winslow, «Mossad's cover story «, The Nation, 22. 10. 1990.
Mark Kennedy, «Spy inquiries touched off by allegations» The Ottawa Citizen, 5.2.1992.
Dan Raviv, «On angry spy», The Toronto Star, 6.10.1991.
«Mossad's dirty laundry «, Antigo (Wise.) Journal, 31.10. 1990.
Jane Hunter, «Steven Emerson: A journalist who knows how to take a leak», EXTRA!, Oktober/November 1992.
Robert Fife, « Israeli spying detailed», The Ottawa Sun, 15.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99