Chronica Majora / Ed. H.R. Luard. — London, 1880. — Vol. 4, 5. — (Rolls Series; vol. 57).
Parker T.W. The Knights Templars in England. — Tuscon, Ariz., 1963.
Pegues F.J. The Lawyers of the Last Capetians. — Princeton; N.J., 1962.
Perkins С The Trial of the Knights Templars in England // English Historical Review. — 1909. — XXIV. — P. 432-447.
Perkins C. The Wealth of the Knights Templars in England and the Disposition of It after Their Dissolution // American Historical Review. — 1909-1910. — XV. — P. 252-263.
Petel A. Le Diocиse de Troyes dans le diffйrand entre Boniface VIH et Philippe le Bel at dans l'affaire des Templiers // Mйmoires de la Sociйtй Acadйmique d'Agriculture,des Sciences,Arta et Belles-Lettres du Department de l'Aube. 3rd ser. — 1906. — LXX. — P. 9-100.
Petel A. Templiers et Hospitaliers dans le diocиse de Troyes: le Temple de Bonlieu et l'Hфpital d'Orient // Mйmoires de la Sociйtй' Acadйmique d'Agriculture, des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres du Department de l'Aube. 3 rd ser. — 1909. — LXXIII. — P. 257-358; 1910. — LXXIV. — P. 11-350.
Philippi Quarti Mansiones et Itinera // RHG. — Paris, 1855. —Vol. 21. — P. 430-464.
Picot G. йd. Documents relatifs aux Etats Gйnйraux et Assemblйes rйunis sous Philippe le Bel. — Paris, 1901.
Piquet J. Des banquiers au Moyen Age: les Templiers. — Paris, 1939.
Port C. йd. Livre de Guillaume Le Maire // Mйlandes historiques; choix de documents. — Paris, 1877. — Vol. 2. — (Collection de Documents Inйdits sur l'Histoire de France).
Potthast A. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum: 2 vols. — Berlin, 1874-1875.
Powicke F.M., Cheney C.R. eds. Conзus ans Synods with Other Documents Relating to the English Church. — Oxford, 1964. — Vol. 2: A.D. 1205-1313.
Prutz H. ed. Malteser Urkunden und Rcgesten zur Geschichte der Tempelherrcn und der Johanniter. — Munich, 1883.
Ptolemy of Lucca. Historia Ecclesiastica // Baluze. — Vol. 1.
Raynouard M. Monumens historiques relatifs а la condamnation des Chevaliers du Temple. — Paris, 1813.
Register of William Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York The. —London, 1940. — Pt. V / Ed. W. Brown and A. Hamilton Thompson. —(Surtees Society; vol. 153).
Registrum Roberti Winchelscy Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi. — Oxford, 1956. — Vol. 2 / Ed. R. Graham. — (Canterbury and York Society; vol. 52).
Registrum Simonis de Gandavo Diуcesis Saresbiriensis. — Oxford, 1934. — Vol. 2 / Ed. C.T. Flower and M.C.B. Dawes. — (Canterbury and York Society; vol. 41).
Reinach S. La Tкte magique des Templiers // Revue de l'Histoire des Religions. — 1911. — LXIII. — P. 25-39
Rigault A. Le Procиs de Guichard, Eveque de Troyes (1308-1313). —Paris, 1896.
Riley-Smith J. The Knights of St. John in Jerusalem and Cyprus. —London,1967. — P.1050-1310.
Riley-Smith J. The Templars and the Castle of Torosa in Syria: An Unknown Document Concerning the Acquisition of the Fortress // English Historical Review. — 1969. — LXXXIV. — P. 278-288.
Riley-Smith J. The Feudal Nobility and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1174-1277.-London, 1973.
Rodenberg C. ed. Epistolae Saeculi XIII e Regestris Pontificum Romanorum // Monumenta Germaniae Histуrica. Epistolae. — Berlin, 1883. —Vol. 1.
Roger of Howden. Chronica / Ed. W.R.Stubbs. — London, 1870. —Vol. 3. — (Rolls Series; vol. 51).
Runciman S. The Sicilian Vespers. — Cambridge, 1958.
Russell J.B. Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. — Ithaca; N.Y., 1972.
Rymer T. Foedera, Conventiones, Literae et Cuiuscunque Generis Acta Publica. — The Hague, 1745. — Vol. 1, 2.
Sacwulf. The Pilgrimage of Saewulf to Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the Years 1102 ans 1103 / Tr. W.R.B. Brownlow // PPTS. —London, 1892. — Vol. 4.
Sargant W. Battle for the Mind: A Phsychology of Conversion and Brain-Washing. — London, 1957.
Schoell R. cd. Iustiniani Novellae. — Berlin, 1928. — (Corpus Iuris Civilis; vol. 3).
Schottmiiller K. Der Untergang des Templcr-Ordens / Repr. 1970. —Berlin, 1887. — Vol. 2.
Schwalm J. Reisc nach Frankreich und Italien im Sommer 1303, mit Beilagen // Neues Archiv der Gcscllschaft ftнr Altere Deutsche Geschichteskunde. — 1904. — XXIX. — P. 571-640.
Shannon A.C. The Secrecy of Witnesses in Inquisitorial Tribunals and in Contemporary Secular Trials // Essays in Medieval Lafe and Thought Presented in Honor of Austin P. Evans / Ed. J.H.Mundy, R.W.Emery and B.Nelson. — New-York, 1955. — P. 59-69.
Strack H.L. The Jew and Human Sacriface / Tr. H. Blanchamp. —London,1909.
Strayer J.R. Studies in Early French Taxation. — Cambridge; Mass., 1939.
Strayer J.R. Philip the Fair — A «Constitutional» King // Medieval Statecraft and the Perspectives of History: Essays by Joseph R. Strayer / Ed. J.F. Benton and Т.Н. Bisson. — Princeton; N.J., 1971. —P. 195-212.
Strayer J.R. Italian Bankers and Philip the Fair // Ibid. — P. 239-247.
Strayer J.R. The Crusade against Aragon // Ibid. — P. 107-122.
Strayer J.R. France: The Holy Land, the Chosen People and the Most Christian King // Ibid. — P. 300-314.
Teulet M.A. ed. Layettes des trйsors des chartes. — Paris, 1863. —Vol. 1
Theoderich's Description of the Holy Places circa 1172 A.D. / Tr. and ed. A.Stewart // PPTS. — London, 1891. — Vol. 5.
Thorndike L. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. — New-York, 1929.-Vol. 1,2.
Tout T.F. Chapter in the Administrative History of Medieval England. — Manchester, 1920. — Vol. 1, 2.
Ullmann W. Medieval Papalism. — London, 1949.
Ullmann W. Principles of Government and Politics in the Middle Ages. — London, 1961.
Valois N. Deux Nouveaux Tйmoignages sur le procиs des Templiers // Comptes Rendus des Sйances de l'Acadйmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. — 1910. — P. 229-241.
Verlaque V. Jean XXII, sa vie et ses ?uvres. — Paris, 1883.
Vкtus Aragon // Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Pиre-de-Chartres / Ed. B.E.C. Guйrard. — Paris, 1840. — (Collection de Documents Inйdits sur l'Histoire de France; vol. 1: Collection de Cartulaires de France).
Villani Giovanni. Crуnica / Fase. repr. 1969. — Florence, 1845. —Vol. 2. — (Colleczione di Storici e Cronisti Italiani).
Villani Giovanni. Selections from the First Nine Books of the Cronice Fiorentine of Giovanni Villani / Tr. R.E. Selfe and P.H. Wickstecd. — London, 1896.
Villanueva J.L. Viage literario б las iglesias de Espaсa. — Madrid, 1806. — Vol. 5.
Wakefield W.L. Heresy, Crusade and Inquisition in Southern France, 1100-1250. — London, 1974.
Walter of Hemingborough. Chronicon Domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, De Gestis Regum Angliae / Ed. H.C. Hamilton. —London, 1868. — Vol. 2.
Webster H. Magic: A Sociological Study. — Stanford; Calif., 1948.
Wenck С Clemens V. und Heinrich VII. — Halle, 1882.
Wilkins D. Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae. — London, 1737. — Vol. 2.
William of Newburgh. Historia Rerum Anglicarum // Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I. — London, 1884. —Vol. 1 / Ed. R. Howlett. — (Rolls Series; vol. 82).
William of Tyre. Historia Rerum in Partibus Transmarinis Gestarum // RHCr. Historiens Occidentaux. — Vol. 1.
William Rishanger. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani: Willelmi Rishanger Quondam Monachi S. Albani et Quorundam Anonymorum Chronica et Annales Regnantibus Henrico Tertio et Edwardo Primo, A.D. 1259-1307 / Ed. H.T. Riley. — London, 1865. — (Rolls Series; vol. 28).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
Parker T.W. The Knights Templars in England. — Tuscon, Ariz., 1963.
Pegues F.J. The Lawyers of the Last Capetians. — Princeton; N.J., 1962.
Perkins С The Trial of the Knights Templars in England // English Historical Review. — 1909. — XXIV. — P. 432-447.
Perkins C. The Wealth of the Knights Templars in England and the Disposition of It after Their Dissolution // American Historical Review. — 1909-1910. — XV. — P. 252-263.
Petel A. Le Diocиse de Troyes dans le diffйrand entre Boniface VIH et Philippe le Bel at dans l'affaire des Templiers // Mйmoires de la Sociйtй Acadйmique d'Agriculture,des Sciences,Arta et Belles-Lettres du Department de l'Aube. 3rd ser. — 1906. — LXX. — P. 9-100.
Petel A. Templiers et Hospitaliers dans le diocиse de Troyes: le Temple de Bonlieu et l'Hфpital d'Orient // Mйmoires de la Sociйtй' Acadйmique d'Agriculture, des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres du Department de l'Aube. 3 rd ser. — 1909. — LXXIII. — P. 257-358; 1910. — LXXIV. — P. 11-350.
Philippi Quarti Mansiones et Itinera // RHG. — Paris, 1855. —Vol. 21. — P. 430-464.
Picot G. йd. Documents relatifs aux Etats Gйnйraux et Assemblйes rйunis sous Philippe le Bel. — Paris, 1901.
Piquet J. Des banquiers au Moyen Age: les Templiers. — Paris, 1939.
Port C. йd. Livre de Guillaume Le Maire // Mйlandes historiques; choix de documents. — Paris, 1877. — Vol. 2. — (Collection de Documents Inйdits sur l'Histoire de France).
Potthast A. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum: 2 vols. — Berlin, 1874-1875.
Powicke F.M., Cheney C.R. eds. Conзus ans Synods with Other Documents Relating to the English Church. — Oxford, 1964. — Vol. 2: A.D. 1205-1313.
Prutz H. ed. Malteser Urkunden und Rcgesten zur Geschichte der Tempelherrcn und der Johanniter. — Munich, 1883.
Ptolemy of Lucca. Historia Ecclesiastica // Baluze. — Vol. 1.
Raynouard M. Monumens historiques relatifs а la condamnation des Chevaliers du Temple. — Paris, 1813.
Register of William Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York The. —London, 1940. — Pt. V / Ed. W. Brown and A. Hamilton Thompson. —(Surtees Society; vol. 153).
Registrum Roberti Winchelscy Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi. — Oxford, 1956. — Vol. 2 / Ed. R. Graham. — (Canterbury and York Society; vol. 52).
Registrum Simonis de Gandavo Diуcesis Saresbiriensis. — Oxford, 1934. — Vol. 2 / Ed. C.T. Flower and M.C.B. Dawes. — (Canterbury and York Society; vol. 41).
Reinach S. La Tкte magique des Templiers // Revue de l'Histoire des Religions. — 1911. — LXIII. — P. 25-39
Rigault A. Le Procиs de Guichard, Eveque de Troyes (1308-1313). —Paris, 1896.
Riley-Smith J. The Knights of St. John in Jerusalem and Cyprus. —London,1967. — P.1050-1310.
Riley-Smith J. The Templars and the Castle of Torosa in Syria: An Unknown Document Concerning the Acquisition of the Fortress // English Historical Review. — 1969. — LXXXIV. — P. 278-288.
Riley-Smith J. The Feudal Nobility and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1174-1277.-London, 1973.
Rodenberg C. ed. Epistolae Saeculi XIII e Regestris Pontificum Romanorum // Monumenta Germaniae Histуrica. Epistolae. — Berlin, 1883. —Vol. 1.
Roger of Howden. Chronica / Ed. W.R.Stubbs. — London, 1870. —Vol. 3. — (Rolls Series; vol. 51).
Runciman S. The Sicilian Vespers. — Cambridge, 1958.
Russell J.B. Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. — Ithaca; N.Y., 1972.
Rymer T. Foedera, Conventiones, Literae et Cuiuscunque Generis Acta Publica. — The Hague, 1745. — Vol. 1, 2.
Sacwulf. The Pilgrimage of Saewulf to Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the Years 1102 ans 1103 / Tr. W.R.B. Brownlow // PPTS. —London, 1892. — Vol. 4.
Sargant W. Battle for the Mind: A Phsychology of Conversion and Brain-Washing. — London, 1957.
Schoell R. cd. Iustiniani Novellae. — Berlin, 1928. — (Corpus Iuris Civilis; vol. 3).
Schottmiiller K. Der Untergang des Templcr-Ordens / Repr. 1970. —Berlin, 1887. — Vol. 2.
Schwalm J. Reisc nach Frankreich und Italien im Sommer 1303, mit Beilagen // Neues Archiv der Gcscllschaft ftнr Altere Deutsche Geschichteskunde. — 1904. — XXIX. — P. 571-640.
Shannon A.C. The Secrecy of Witnesses in Inquisitorial Tribunals and in Contemporary Secular Trials // Essays in Medieval Lafe and Thought Presented in Honor of Austin P. Evans / Ed. J.H.Mundy, R.W.Emery and B.Nelson. — New-York, 1955. — P. 59-69.
Strack H.L. The Jew and Human Sacriface / Tr. H. Blanchamp. —London,1909.
Strayer J.R. Studies in Early French Taxation. — Cambridge; Mass., 1939.
Strayer J.R. Philip the Fair — A «Constitutional» King // Medieval Statecraft and the Perspectives of History: Essays by Joseph R. Strayer / Ed. J.F. Benton and Т.Н. Bisson. — Princeton; N.J., 1971. —P. 195-212.
Strayer J.R. Italian Bankers and Philip the Fair // Ibid. — P. 239-247.
Strayer J.R. The Crusade against Aragon // Ibid. — P. 107-122.
Strayer J.R. France: The Holy Land, the Chosen People and the Most Christian King // Ibid. — P. 300-314.
Teulet M.A. ed. Layettes des trйsors des chartes. — Paris, 1863. —Vol. 1
Theoderich's Description of the Holy Places circa 1172 A.D. / Tr. and ed. A.Stewart // PPTS. — London, 1891. — Vol. 5.
Thorndike L. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. — New-York, 1929.-Vol. 1,2.
Tout T.F. Chapter in the Administrative History of Medieval England. — Manchester, 1920. — Vol. 1, 2.
Ullmann W. Medieval Papalism. — London, 1949.
Ullmann W. Principles of Government and Politics in the Middle Ages. — London, 1961.
Valois N. Deux Nouveaux Tйmoignages sur le procиs des Templiers // Comptes Rendus des Sйances de l'Acadйmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. — 1910. — P. 229-241.
Verlaque V. Jean XXII, sa vie et ses ?uvres. — Paris, 1883.
Vкtus Aragon // Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Pиre-de-Chartres / Ed. B.E.C. Guйrard. — Paris, 1840. — (Collection de Documents Inйdits sur l'Histoire de France; vol. 1: Collection de Cartulaires de France).
Villani Giovanni. Crуnica / Fase. repr. 1969. — Florence, 1845. —Vol. 2. — (Colleczione di Storici e Cronisti Italiani).
Villani Giovanni. Selections from the First Nine Books of the Cronice Fiorentine of Giovanni Villani / Tr. R.E. Selfe and P.H. Wickstecd. — London, 1896.
Villanueva J.L. Viage literario б las iglesias de Espaсa. — Madrid, 1806. — Vol. 5.
Wakefield W.L. Heresy, Crusade and Inquisition in Southern France, 1100-1250. — London, 1974.
Walter of Hemingborough. Chronicon Domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, De Gestis Regum Angliae / Ed. H.C. Hamilton. —London, 1868. — Vol. 2.
Webster H. Magic: A Sociological Study. — Stanford; Calif., 1948.
Wenck С Clemens V. und Heinrich VII. — Halle, 1882.
Wilkins D. Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae. — London, 1737. — Vol. 2.
William of Newburgh. Historia Rerum Anglicarum // Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I. — London, 1884. —Vol. 1 / Ed. R. Howlett. — (Rolls Series; vol. 82).
William of Tyre. Historia Rerum in Partibus Transmarinis Gestarum // RHCr. Historiens Occidentaux. — Vol. 1.
William Rishanger. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani: Willelmi Rishanger Quondam Monachi S. Albani et Quorundam Anonymorum Chronica et Annales Regnantibus Henrico Tertio et Edwardo Primo, A.D. 1259-1307 / Ed. H.T. Riley. — London, 1865. — (Rolls Series; vol. 28).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126