Vol. 15. Lugdunum Batavorum, 1967.
303. Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis Alexandrini omnia quac extant opera, 1551 год.
304. Corbinianus. Firmamentum Firmianum, 1731 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
305. Fomenko A. T. The jump of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation. – Celestial Mechanics. 1981, vol.29, p. 33-40.
306. Fomenko A. T. Some new empirico-statistical methods of dating and the analysis of present global chronology. – 1981. The British Library. Department of printed books. Cup. 918/87.
307. Fomenko A. T. New empirico-statistical dating methods and statistics of certain astronomical data // Тезисы Первого Всемирного конгресса общества математической статистики и теории вероятностей им. Бернулли. – М.: "Наука", 1986, т. 2, с. 892.
308. Fomenko A. T. Duplicates in mixed sequences and a frequency duplication principle. Methods and applications // Probability theory and Mathematical statistics. Proceeding of the Fourth Vilnius Conference (24-29 June 1985) – VNU Science Press, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1987, v. 16, p. 439-465.
309. Fomenko A.T. Empirico-Statistical Methods in Ordering Narrative Texts. – International Statistical Review. 1988, vol. 566, № 3, p. 279-301.
310. Fomenko А. Т., Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. When was Ptolemy's star catalogue in "Almagest" compiled in reality? – Preprint, № 1989-04, ISSN 0347 – 2809. Dept. of Math. Chalmers Univ. of Technology, The University of Goteborg. Sweden.
311. Fomenko А. Т., Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. When was Ptolemy's star catalogue in "Almagest" compiled in reality? Statistical Analysis // Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989, vol. 17, p. 203-229.
312. Fomenko A.T. Mathematical Statistics and Problems of Ancient Chronology. ANew Approach // Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989, vol. 17, p. 231-256.
313. Fomenko А. Т., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. Geometrical and Statistical Methods of Analysis of Star Configurations. Dating Ptolemy's Almagest. – CRC Press. 1993. USA.
314. Fomenko A.T. Empirico-Statistical Analysis of Narrative Material and its Applications to Historical Dating. Nblume 1: The Development of the Statistical Tools. Volume 2: The Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Records. – Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994. The Netherlands.
315. Fomenko A. X, Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. The dating of Ptolemy's Almagest based on the coverings of the stars and on lunar eclipses // Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 1992, vol. 29, p. 281-298.
316. Fomenko А. Т., Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. Statistical analysis and dating of the observations on which Ptolemy's "Almagest" star catalogue is based // In: Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Proc. of the Fifth Vilnius Conference. 1990, Moklas, Vilnius, Lithuania; VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands, vol. 1, p. 360-374.
317. Fomenko А. Т., Rachev S. T. \blume Functions of Historical Texts and the Amplitude Correlation Principle // Computers and the Humanities. 1990, vol. 24, p. 187-206.
318. Frank E. Manuel. Isaac Newton Historian. – The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1963.
319. Ginzel F. K. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen – und Mondfinsternisse fur das Landergebiet der klassischen Altertumwissenschaften und den Zeitraum von 900 vor Chr. bis 600 nach Chr. – Berlin: Mayer amp; Mtiller, 1899.
320. Ginzel F. К. Handbuch der Mathematischen und Technischen Chronologie. Bd. I-III. – Leipzig, 1906, 1911, 1914.
321. Goss John. KartenKunst: Die Geschichte der Kartographie. – Der Deutschen Asgabe: Georg Westermarm Verlag GmbH, Braunschweig 1994. Немецкий перевод с английского издания: Goss John. The Mapmaker's Art. A History of Cartography. – Studio Editions Ltd., London.
322. Grienberger C. Catalogue Veteres affixarum longitudiues et latitudines cum novis conferens. – Rjmae apud B. Zannetum, 1612 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
323. Hazirlayan H. H. Aliy Yalcin (Hz. Yusa Camii Imam-Hatibi). Hazreti Yusa (Aleyhisselam). – Istanbul. Эта брошюра написана настоятелем храма при могиле святого Иуши, на горе Бейкос, расположенной на окраине Стамбула. Брошюра не содержит года и места издания.
324. Heinsohn Gunnar. Assyrerkcnige gleich Perserherrscher! (Die Assy – rienflinde bestatigen das Achamenidenreach). – Mantis Verlag, Grafelfing, 1996.
325. Heinsohn Gunnar, Dlig Heribert. Warm lebten die Pharaonen? (Archaologische and technologische Grundlagen fur eine Neuschreibung der Geschichte Agyptens and der iibrigen Welt). – Mantis Verlag, Grafelfing, 1997.
326. Hochart. De l'authenticite des Annales et des Histoires de Tacite. – Paris, 1890.
327. Hofflit D. The Bright Star Catalogue. – Yale Univ. Obs. New Haven Connecticut, USA, 1982.
328. Hiitt Wolfgang. Altdorfer. Maler und Werk. Eine Kunstheftreihe aus dem VEB Verlag der Kunst. Dresden, 1976.
329. Ideler L. Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie. – Berlin, 1825-1826, B. 1-2.
330. Illig Heribert. Hat Karl der Grosse je gelebt? (Bauten, Funde und Schriften im Widerstreit). – Mantis Verlag, Grafelfing, 1996.
331. Johnson Edwin, M.A. The Rise of English Culture. – Williams and Norgate. London, New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904.
332. Johnson Edwin, M. A. The Rise of Christendom. – London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner amp; Co. Ltd. 1890.
333. Keller W. Und die Bibel hat doch Recht. – Dusseldorf, 1958.
334. Kostbarkeiten der Buchkunst. Illuminationen klassischer Werke von Archimedes bis Vergil. – Herausgegeben von Giovanni Morello. – Belser Verlag, Stuttgart, Zxrich, 1997.
335. Kurth Willi. The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dxrer. With the introduction by Campbell Dodgson, M. А., С. В. Е. – Dover Publications, Inc. New York, USA, 1963.
336. L'art de verifier les dates faites historiques. – Ed. par des Benedictines. 1 ed., Paris, 1750; 2ed., Paris, 1770; 3ed., Paris, 1783, 1784, 1787.
337. Leupoldus de Austria. Compilatio de Astrorum Scientia, cuts. 1489 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
338. Lubienietski S. Historia universalis omnium Cometarum. – Lugduni Batavorum, 1681 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
339. Miller W. The Latins in the Levant. A History of frankish Greece in 1204 – 1566. – London, 1908.
340. Mommsen T. Die Romische Chronologie bis auf Caesar. – Berlin, 1859, 2Aufl.
341. Newton Isaac. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. To which is Prefix'd, A Short Chronicle from the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. – London, J. Tonson, 1728. Переиздано в 1988 г. в издательстве: Histories and Mysteries of Man LTD. Lavender Walk, London SW11 1LA, 1988.
342. Newton R. R. Astronomical evidence concerning non-gravitational forces in the Earth-Moon system // Astrophys. Space Sci. 1972, vol. 16, p. 179-200.
343. Newton R. Two uses of ancient astronomy // Philos. Trans, of the Royal Soc. of London. Ser. A. 1974, vol. 276, p. 99-115.
344. Oppolzer Th. Kanon der Sonnen – und Mondfinsternisse. – Wien, К. К. Hof – und Staatsdruckerei, 1887.
345. Orbini Mauro. Origine de gli Slavi amp; progresso dell'Imperio loro. – Pesaro, 1606.
346. Petavius D. De doctrina temporum. Vol. 1. – Paris, 1627. (Petau D. Opus de doctrina temporum, etc. V. 1. Antwerpiae, M. DCCV.)
347. Peters С H. F., Knobel E. B. Ptolemy's Catalogue of Stars. A Revision of the Almagest. – Washington: The Carnegie Inst. of Washington, 1915. Publ. № 86.
348.[Phrantzae Georgius]. De Vita et Acriptus Georgii Phrantzae. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series graeca posterior. T. CLVI. – J.-P. Migne, 1866.
349. Ptolemy. The Almagest (Great Books of Western World, vol. 16). Translated by R. Catesby Taliaferro. – The Univ. of Chicago, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952.
350. Ptolemy's Almagest. Transl. and annot. by G. J. Toomer. – London, 1984.
351. Radini (Radinus) Tedeschi. Sideralis abyssus. – Luteciae, Impressum opa T. Kees, 1514 (1511?) (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
352. Robertson J. M. Pagan christs; studies in comparative hierology. – London, Watts amp; C, 1911.
353. Rome Reborn. The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture. Edited by Anthony Grafton. – Library of Congress, Washington, Yale University Press, New Haven, London, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, 1993.
354. Ross. Tacitus and Bracciolini. The Annals forged in the XV-th century. – London, 1878.
355. Scaliger I. Opus novum de emendatione temporum. – Lutetiac. Paris, 1583. (Thesaurum temporum, 1606).
356. St.Lorenz. Im Blickpunkt das Kreuz. Kruzifix-Darsrellungen. 99. Verein zur Erhaltung der St.Lorenzkirche in Numbeig (E. V). Nurnberg. Lorenzer Platz 10. Herausgegeben von Gerhard Althaus und Georg Stolz. Nurnberg. NF. Nr. 44, 1999.
357. Tesnierio Ioanne. Opus Matematicum octolibrum. – Coloniae Agrippinae, apud J. Birckmannum amp; W. Richwinum, 1562 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
358. The Bible and the Ancient Near East. Essays in Honour of W. F. Albright. – Ed. by G. E. Wright. N. Y, 1961.
359. The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia. – AVON, 1983, USA, Columbia University Press.
360. The place of astronomy in the ancient world // A discussion organized jointly for the Royal Society and the British Academy. Philos. Trans, of the Royal. Soc. of London. Ser. A. 1974, vol. 276, p. 1-276.
361. Thorndike linn. Ph. D., L. H. D. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. (During the first thirteen centuries of our era). – Vol. 1, 2. N.-Y, 1923. Columbia University Press, New York. 1943, 1947, 1958.
362. Topper Uwe. Die Grosse Aktion. Europas Erfundene Geschichte. Die planmassige Falschung unserer \fergangenheit von der Antike bis zur Aufklarung. – Grabert-Verlag, Tubingen. Deutschland.
363. Topper Uwe. Erfundene Geschichte. Unsere Zeitrechnung ist falsch. Leben wir im Jahr 1702? – F. A. Herbig \ferlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, Munchen, 1999.
364. Vesconte Pietro. Seekarten. – Mit einem Geleitwort von Otto Mazal. Einfurung von Lelio Pagani. Edition Georg Popp Wiirzburg. 1978. Grafica Gutenberg, Bergamo, 1977. Printed in Italy.
365. Wissowa Pauly. Real-Encyclopadie der Klassischen Altertumwissen – schaft. – Hrsg. von Kroll.
366. Vttxdey L. Exavation at Ur. – N. Y, 1955.
367. Woronowa Tamara, Sterligov Andrej. Westeuropaische Buchmalerei des 8. bis 16. Jahrhunderts in der Russischen Nationalbibliothek, Sankt Petersburg (Frankreich. Spanien. England. Deutschland. Italien. Niederlande). – Bechtermiinz. Genehmigte Lizenzausgabe fiir AAfeltbild \erlag GmbH, Augsburg 2000. Germany. 1996 by Editions Parkstone/Aurora, England.
368. Zeitenspriinge. Interdisziplinares Bulletin. Sonderdruck. September 1996. Thema "Absolutdatierung". – Mantis \ferlag, Germany.
НОСОВСКИЙ Глеб Владимирович , 1958 года рождения, кандидат физико-математических наук (МГУ, 1988), специалист в области теории вероятностей, математической статистики, теории случайных процессов, теории оптимизации, стохастических дифференциальных уравнений, компьютерного моделирования стохастических процессов.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
303. Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis Alexandrini omnia quac extant opera, 1551 год.
304. Corbinianus. Firmamentum Firmianum, 1731 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
305. Fomenko A. T. The jump of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation. – Celestial Mechanics. 1981, vol.29, p. 33-40.
306. Fomenko A. T. Some new empirico-statistical methods of dating and the analysis of present global chronology. – 1981. The British Library. Department of printed books. Cup. 918/87.
307. Fomenko A. T. New empirico-statistical dating methods and statistics of certain astronomical data // Тезисы Первого Всемирного конгресса общества математической статистики и теории вероятностей им. Бернулли. – М.: "Наука", 1986, т. 2, с. 892.
308. Fomenko A. T. Duplicates in mixed sequences and a frequency duplication principle. Methods and applications // Probability theory and Mathematical statistics. Proceeding of the Fourth Vilnius Conference (24-29 June 1985) – VNU Science Press, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1987, v. 16, p. 439-465.
309. Fomenko A.T. Empirico-Statistical Methods in Ordering Narrative Texts. – International Statistical Review. 1988, vol. 566, № 3, p. 279-301.
310. Fomenko А. Т., Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. When was Ptolemy's star catalogue in "Almagest" compiled in reality? – Preprint, № 1989-04, ISSN 0347 – 2809. Dept. of Math. Chalmers Univ. of Technology, The University of Goteborg. Sweden.
311. Fomenko А. Т., Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. When was Ptolemy's star catalogue in "Almagest" compiled in reality? Statistical Analysis // Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989, vol. 17, p. 203-229.
312. Fomenko A.T. Mathematical Statistics and Problems of Ancient Chronology. ANew Approach // Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989, vol. 17, p. 231-256.
313. Fomenko А. Т., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. Geometrical and Statistical Methods of Analysis of Star Configurations. Dating Ptolemy's Almagest. – CRC Press. 1993. USA.
314. Fomenko A.T. Empirico-Statistical Analysis of Narrative Material and its Applications to Historical Dating. Nblume 1: The Development of the Statistical Tools. Volume 2: The Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Records. – Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994. The Netherlands.
315. Fomenko A. X, Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. The dating of Ptolemy's Almagest based on the coverings of the stars and on lunar eclipses // Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 1992, vol. 29, p. 281-298.
316. Fomenko А. Т., Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. Statistical analysis and dating of the observations on which Ptolemy's "Almagest" star catalogue is based // In: Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Proc. of the Fifth Vilnius Conference. 1990, Moklas, Vilnius, Lithuania; VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands, vol. 1, p. 360-374.
317. Fomenko А. Т., Rachev S. T. \blume Functions of Historical Texts and the Amplitude Correlation Principle // Computers and the Humanities. 1990, vol. 24, p. 187-206.
318. Frank E. Manuel. Isaac Newton Historian. – The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1963.
319. Ginzel F. K. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen – und Mondfinsternisse fur das Landergebiet der klassischen Altertumwissenschaften und den Zeitraum von 900 vor Chr. bis 600 nach Chr. – Berlin: Mayer amp; Mtiller, 1899.
320. Ginzel F. К. Handbuch der Mathematischen und Technischen Chronologie. Bd. I-III. – Leipzig, 1906, 1911, 1914.
321. Goss John. KartenKunst: Die Geschichte der Kartographie. – Der Deutschen Asgabe: Georg Westermarm Verlag GmbH, Braunschweig 1994. Немецкий перевод с английского издания: Goss John. The Mapmaker's Art. A History of Cartography. – Studio Editions Ltd., London.
322. Grienberger C. Catalogue Veteres affixarum longitudiues et latitudines cum novis conferens. – Rjmae apud B. Zannetum, 1612 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
323. Hazirlayan H. H. Aliy Yalcin (Hz. Yusa Camii Imam-Hatibi). Hazreti Yusa (Aleyhisselam). – Istanbul. Эта брошюра написана настоятелем храма при могиле святого Иуши, на горе Бейкос, расположенной на окраине Стамбула. Брошюра не содержит года и места издания.
324. Heinsohn Gunnar. Assyrerkcnige gleich Perserherrscher! (Die Assy – rienflinde bestatigen das Achamenidenreach). – Mantis Verlag, Grafelfing, 1996.
325. Heinsohn Gunnar, Dlig Heribert. Warm lebten die Pharaonen? (Archaologische and technologische Grundlagen fur eine Neuschreibung der Geschichte Agyptens and der iibrigen Welt). – Mantis Verlag, Grafelfing, 1997.
326. Hochart. De l'authenticite des Annales et des Histoires de Tacite. – Paris, 1890.
327. Hofflit D. The Bright Star Catalogue. – Yale Univ. Obs. New Haven Connecticut, USA, 1982.
328. Hiitt Wolfgang. Altdorfer. Maler und Werk. Eine Kunstheftreihe aus dem VEB Verlag der Kunst. Dresden, 1976.
329. Ideler L. Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie. – Berlin, 1825-1826, B. 1-2.
330. Illig Heribert. Hat Karl der Grosse je gelebt? (Bauten, Funde und Schriften im Widerstreit). – Mantis Verlag, Grafelfing, 1996.
331. Johnson Edwin, M.A. The Rise of English Culture. – Williams and Norgate. London, New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904.
332. Johnson Edwin, M. A. The Rise of Christendom. – London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner amp; Co. Ltd. 1890.
333. Keller W. Und die Bibel hat doch Recht. – Dusseldorf, 1958.
334. Kostbarkeiten der Buchkunst. Illuminationen klassischer Werke von Archimedes bis Vergil. – Herausgegeben von Giovanni Morello. – Belser Verlag, Stuttgart, Zxrich, 1997.
335. Kurth Willi. The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dxrer. With the introduction by Campbell Dodgson, M. А., С. В. Е. – Dover Publications, Inc. New York, USA, 1963.
336. L'art de verifier les dates faites historiques. – Ed. par des Benedictines. 1 ed., Paris, 1750; 2ed., Paris, 1770; 3ed., Paris, 1783, 1784, 1787.
337. Leupoldus de Austria. Compilatio de Astrorum Scientia, cuts. 1489 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
338. Lubienietski S. Historia universalis omnium Cometarum. – Lugduni Batavorum, 1681 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
339. Miller W. The Latins in the Levant. A History of frankish Greece in 1204 – 1566. – London, 1908.
340. Mommsen T. Die Romische Chronologie bis auf Caesar. – Berlin, 1859, 2Aufl.
341. Newton Isaac. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. To which is Prefix'd, A Short Chronicle from the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. – London, J. Tonson, 1728. Переиздано в 1988 г. в издательстве: Histories and Mysteries of Man LTD. Lavender Walk, London SW11 1LA, 1988.
342. Newton R. R. Astronomical evidence concerning non-gravitational forces in the Earth-Moon system // Astrophys. Space Sci. 1972, vol. 16, p. 179-200.
343. Newton R. Two uses of ancient astronomy // Philos. Trans, of the Royal Soc. of London. Ser. A. 1974, vol. 276, p. 99-115.
344. Oppolzer Th. Kanon der Sonnen – und Mondfinsternisse. – Wien, К. К. Hof – und Staatsdruckerei, 1887.
345. Orbini Mauro. Origine de gli Slavi amp; progresso dell'Imperio loro. – Pesaro, 1606.
346. Petavius D. De doctrina temporum. Vol. 1. – Paris, 1627. (Petau D. Opus de doctrina temporum, etc. V. 1. Antwerpiae, M. DCCV.)
347. Peters С H. F., Knobel E. B. Ptolemy's Catalogue of Stars. A Revision of the Almagest. – Washington: The Carnegie Inst. of Washington, 1915. Publ. № 86.
348.[Phrantzae Georgius]. De Vita et Acriptus Georgii Phrantzae. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series graeca posterior. T. CLVI. – J.-P. Migne, 1866.
349. Ptolemy. The Almagest (Great Books of Western World, vol. 16). Translated by R. Catesby Taliaferro. – The Univ. of Chicago, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952.
350. Ptolemy's Almagest. Transl. and annot. by G. J. Toomer. – London, 1984.
351. Radini (Radinus) Tedeschi. Sideralis abyssus. – Luteciae, Impressum opa T. Kees, 1514 (1511?) (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
352. Robertson J. M. Pagan christs; studies in comparative hierology. – London, Watts amp; C, 1911.
353. Rome Reborn. The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture. Edited by Anthony Grafton. – Library of Congress, Washington, Yale University Press, New Haven, London, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, 1993.
354. Ross. Tacitus and Bracciolini. The Annals forged in the XV-th century. – London, 1878.
355. Scaliger I. Opus novum de emendatione temporum. – Lutetiac. Paris, 1583. (Thesaurum temporum, 1606).
356. St.Lorenz. Im Blickpunkt das Kreuz. Kruzifix-Darsrellungen. 99. Verein zur Erhaltung der St.Lorenzkirche in Numbeig (E. V). Nurnberg. Lorenzer Platz 10. Herausgegeben von Gerhard Althaus und Georg Stolz. Nurnberg. NF. Nr. 44, 1999.
357. Tesnierio Ioanne. Opus Matematicum octolibrum. – Coloniae Agrippinae, apud J. Birckmannum amp; W. Richwinum, 1562 (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).
358. The Bible and the Ancient Near East. Essays in Honour of W. F. Albright. – Ed. by G. E. Wright. N. Y, 1961.
359. The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia. – AVON, 1983, USA, Columbia University Press.
360. The place of astronomy in the ancient world // A discussion organized jointly for the Royal Society and the British Academy. Philos. Trans, of the Royal. Soc. of London. Ser. A. 1974, vol. 276, p. 1-276.
361. Thorndike linn. Ph. D., L. H. D. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. (During the first thirteen centuries of our era). – Vol. 1, 2. N.-Y, 1923. Columbia University Press, New York. 1943, 1947, 1958.
362. Topper Uwe. Die Grosse Aktion. Europas Erfundene Geschichte. Die planmassige Falschung unserer \fergangenheit von der Antike bis zur Aufklarung. – Grabert-Verlag, Tubingen. Deutschland.
363. Topper Uwe. Erfundene Geschichte. Unsere Zeitrechnung ist falsch. Leben wir im Jahr 1702? – F. A. Herbig \ferlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, Munchen, 1999.
364. Vesconte Pietro. Seekarten. – Mit einem Geleitwort von Otto Mazal. Einfurung von Lelio Pagani. Edition Georg Popp Wiirzburg. 1978. Grafica Gutenberg, Bergamo, 1977. Printed in Italy.
365. Wissowa Pauly. Real-Encyclopadie der Klassischen Altertumwissen – schaft. – Hrsg. von Kroll.
366. Vttxdey L. Exavation at Ur. – N. Y, 1955.
367. Woronowa Tamara, Sterligov Andrej. Westeuropaische Buchmalerei des 8. bis 16. Jahrhunderts in der Russischen Nationalbibliothek, Sankt Petersburg (Frankreich. Spanien. England. Deutschland. Italien. Niederlande). – Bechtermiinz. Genehmigte Lizenzausgabe fiir AAfeltbild \erlag GmbH, Augsburg 2000. Germany. 1996 by Editions Parkstone/Aurora, England.
368. Zeitenspriinge. Interdisziplinares Bulletin. Sonderdruck. September 1996. Thema "Absolutdatierung". – Mantis \ferlag, Germany.
НОСОВСКИЙ Глеб Владимирович , 1958 года рождения, кандидат физико-математических наук (МГУ, 1988), специалист в области теории вероятностей, математической статистики, теории случайных процессов, теории оптимизации, стохастических дифференциальных уравнений, компьютерного моделирования стохастических процессов.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139